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Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 10:13 pm
by sg219
I was just there and threw this up........They brought the thread back!!!!! I love it.........

@Spooky, You seem cool to me........

sg219 I'm sorry I missed out on all the fun, but Bird, Easy, your right on.
I tried to have a ligit back and forth postin' fest with him, but it always ended up with Drac throwin' the law down because he disagreed!!

Drac>>>how did I throw the law down? ban you? no... edit your post? no... some one else did that... lock the thread? nope again, some one else did that... as for lagit posting fest, calling some one names and various other comments is not very lagit... (this was edited out by arch)

sg219 Close-minded is an adjective describing someone, not a noun, like moron, or idiot, would be name calling!! Which you are not.....

sg219 It is ashame that I came here for that reason and came across the iWaver thread, that is shut down now and started reading it, that such a closed-minded individual could be a moderator on a forum of discussions.

sg219 Does not the title "moderator" come from the term "moderate"?
Webster's----moderate adj. "1. Not extreme or excessive. 2. TEMPERATE. "
Webster's---moderating " 1.To MAKE or BECOME LESS extreme or intense."

sg219 @ Drac---I AM NOT a moderator, so with that out of the way, it is not my intentions or purpose to argue, put down, discredit, knock, entice, provide, or improve any part of ANY forum or discussion. Its not even my responiblity to contrbute anything. But as it seems, you like to contribute plenty of negitive comments about a car that was being dicussed in your forum, in which you are a moderator, and you don't like what is being said in it.

sg219 Well moderator, you didn't moderate or do any moderating, just more enticement for arguements by slaming the iWaver.

sg219 You should of sat back and let the thread go whereever it was going, then step in and said you hate the iWaiver because it is stepping on Mini-Z's toes and you don't like that and then moved along with your daily editing.

sg219 Thanks for being so open-minded on a new product!!

Peace, Love, and iWavers 4 EVER!!!!

Thanks to all who have posted in the iWaver's defense!!!!! You know who you are!!!!!!
Peace, Love, and iWaver 4 Ever!!!


Let's see if he edit's this one and denies it!!

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 10:44 pm
by hogjowlz

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 10:47 pm
by Bird
spooky wrote:I know you were thinking of putting this behind you
I am not thinking about it, I AM putting it behind me.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 10:57 pm
by spooky
Seems like a bit of a shit fest on that forum. I see Draconious' dog Mondo was barking at machine in the miscellaneous post. Seems like they have the roaming pack of dogs mentality over there.

Has anyone tried any of the GPM turbos on an Iwaver yet?

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 11:27 pm
by hogjowlz
well dude. you can disagree all you want here as long as you can back your shit up.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 11:30 pm
by Bird
spooky wrote:Has anyone tried any of the GPM turbos on an Iwaver yet?
Not that I know of... Personally, I'm waiting for ph2t to perfect his "woah nelly" turbo so I can have the most unconventional 1/28th scale car as humanly possible lol.

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:36 am
by spooky
Oops sorry, the woanelly post was here. As you probably know the Iwaver is being discussed on pretty much all of the forums and the turbo question is coming up a lot.

It doesn't seem like there is a good answer yet but someone will do it I'm sure. When they do they can probably make a load selling'm.

As far as if you say it you better be able to prove it you are right on. The MRZ shit fest was pretty much caused when that Draconious guy was pressed to prove it or shut up and he popped a blood vessle when he couldn't.

Apparently as a result babbled something like aliens gave the Mini Z to the pope and while everyone was looking the other way George Bush rigged the election :lol: Well at least he got the Mini Z in there some where.

Well incase anyone is interested I'm going to put my Mini x back together this weekend with the full bearing kit and race the Iwaver. Its sure to be a slugfest when the the RX7 bi turbo goes up against the 911 turbo. Who will win? Probably the car that doesn't slam into something tougher than it is due to pilot error :lol:

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 9:09 pm
by sg219
Here is the latest.........


I'm sorry I Don't get the chance to make it over here more often, but after reading the Easy vs. Drac. thread, I had to chime in.

@--Easy, nice going!!! I agree with you about Drac always callin' 911 when he is in trouble and deleting or moving a forum. That right there is really, really, fishy? Why would you move something to reply to it? Why can't a mod get to it? Arch posted in this thread. I think its all an excuse to ease the pressure for Drac, so he can gain his composure and type. He is tired of being critisized and not being right there to reply. Hey!! Thats part of a forum, checking in and getting back when you can, not when you feel like moving a thread!!

As for everyone else, thanks for all your imput and ranting, but I'm outta here. i feel Drac has dug himself a big enough hole, that he no longer requires my help in digging it.

In the last few weeks he has argued with almost everyone in any iWaver thread you can find on the internet!! He has proven that he cannot keep a calm, cool, and collected head when it comes to MODERATING!! Tries to ignite an arguement in every thread. He in supposed to be open minded and impartial to be a moderator, but I fell he is not. Others have said it and backed me up.

Also early in this thread, it was said that he was ganged up on?? Went callin' for help. That is a load of ****!! Well I didn't know any of these people till I got here and the sides were already drawn!! Since my start here I have seen some of the people that are here show up in other forums, and yes we DO get along in them!!

I wish Drac the best of luck on his legal quest to make the International Market run properly!!!

Plus, I'd send you a shoval to undig your foot from your mouth, but its a clone. don't want any legal probs removing your foot!!

Easy, I'll catch up with you down the road. Peace out pimp?

Good Bye and live long!!!

This was a follow up.
Originally Posted by PAULANGELO
sg219, who the hell asked you? 6 posts? looks like if you don't post here again, we will not be missing anything. Just when the post is ending, you need to put in your 2 cents. too bad you couldn't afford it. THIS HAS GOT TO END.

I agree with you Totally!! 100%, with all my sweat!! That this has to end!!!

But as far as not having 2 cents? I do have it. I just switched my car insurance to Geico!!!

Plus, I saved on buying an iWaver instead of a Mini-Z...

I'm done. :-)

I did officaly give up and say bye-bye @ the Mini-BS Nazi forum!!

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 10:27 pm
by SuperFly
I've read that shit too, and WTF??!! Those guys need to step back and chill! Draconious definitely has some issues beyond his dislike of iWavers.

:blazin: :mad:

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 11:00 pm
by spooky
Yes I agree, Draconious needs to be held accountable for what he says and does. I doubt he ever ran into someone hammered on him to "back up his shit" and wasn't intimidated by his bullying.

I have to say though the picture of Draconious sitting at his computer frothing at the mouth and hammering on his desk because that thread was out of his reach is hilarious :lol:!

You guys probably already know I'm Easy but I'm not cheap:lol:!

I hope people don't feel like I was trying to hide my identity I just use different names some times. You'll also see me as Davemud on some sites which is an old mountin bike nick name I use most of the time.

I've been posting about my black Iwaver Porsche around the web so I think its pretty easy to tell the posts are from the same guy. I do want to challenge people's perceptions of what good RC products design is. By doing so I believe the products we buy will improve and so will the hobby.

I won't provoke an argument either but I will engage someone who does and hold them accountable especially if they are talking shit and not backing it up. I think that's fair.

As for my whackey RC SMACK UP post here I'm just having some fun doing some creative writting. I don't think its quite what TJFBryant is looking for though.:lol:

If people don't like it though I'll stop. I don't want to cause any shit fights over here I just want to have fun. BTW I did crack the left side of my PCB cover on the Iwaver but I don't know how... gee I wonder read the SMACK UP. But this doesn't look like a stress area.

The Iwaver looks sweet right now, I glued the wing back on and installed new red anodized alloy wheel nuts. When you get your Iwaver you may as well throw in for some good wheel nuts since the stockers are one thing thats a little iffy.

I know you're thinking what I did.... awww geee ya mean I have a legitmate excuse to start pimpi'n the Iwaver out immediately? Darn! I made sure to tell the lhs owner they were for an Iwaver. Oh yea? maybe I should stock some of those... yes, yes you should!

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 11:25 pm
by sg219
@ spooky---Ya, I hinted at that in my last post over there. I knew it was you under a different name. The pimp reference.
sg219 wrote:Easy, I'll catch up with you down the road. Peace out pimp?

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 11:26 pm
by Bird
I searched damn near every hobby shop in the area for alloy nuts, and couldn't find any, even at one that had mini-z shit. I ended up modding x-mod nuts to hold me over until I get it together to order a bunch of goodies at once... definately a ball diff, dry bearings, and some knuckles and h-plates... soon enough. I can wait. I'm still digging mine mostly stock.

My Porsche is still pretty lol... but my Ferarri is all gashed up(mostly from my 4 year old daughter jamming it under the fridge and oven at full speed lol).

EDIT... Spooky, I know that you know that I knew it was you for a few days now... lol say that 3 times fast!

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 2:12 am
by spooky
I thought you guys did know I just wanted to be sure everyone knew I wasn't trying to mislead anyone.

My Iwaver is ready to rip tomorrow morning its taunting me right now, naughty little car :lol: Stop by SMACK UP tomorrow I should be out of the chop shop long enough to get a report from the pimps, hoes and pharmacists about hoe it all went down.

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 4:41 pm
by hue35
Well... we got our iWaivers, and mine is missing the battery covers as well as the motor spacers. Bummer. Anyone else missing parts on their iWaivers?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 4:47 pm
by Bird
hue35 wrote:Well... we got our iWaivers, and mine is missing the battery covers as well as the motor spacers. Bummer. Anyone else missing parts on their iWaivers?
Damn. That sucks. There wasn't a baggie taped under the little display case base thing? That's where all of that stuff was for mine.

Mine came missing the drivers side mirror on the Porsche body. I went back and forth with them in emails, and haven't heard from them since. :???:

I read someones post somewhere who also had stuff missing, and they contacted toyeast and complained and wound up getting their stuff plus some freebies.