Putting Wheels back on

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Putting Wheels back on

Post by noxorc »

Is there a trick to putting the wheels back on the body?

Maybe it's late and my eyes and hands are going but all I'm trying to do is.

replace the 3 prongs in their respective holes and snap the coil cover back on.

My problem seems to be the swing arm in side with the magnate on it.
when I get one side on, everything is fine... when I try the other side, everything is fine.. but when I put the over over. the magnate kicks in and sticks to one side and cause the pins to jump out of their holes.

I guess I'm wondering if any of you, put it together with out the wheels, then pop them on afterwards.?

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Post by noxorc »

and what's that lame spring doing? (oh besides getting in the way)

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Post by CaboWabo »

My trick is usually to put the bottom pin in first, put the steering arm pin on second, then the top.

it takes practice to find a comfortable position to hold your fingers so you can keep both front wheels straight, the front chassis just slightly lifted, more supported by those fingers, and using the other hand to snap on the top, one side at a time if necessary, you can even snap on the top sometimes without the top pin being in the actual hole, just moving the knuckle would snap it into place.

and that "alternative life-style" spring, I thought it was just to help keep the magnet centered, my guess anyway.
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Post by payaso »

When assambling the front end, it helps to hold the cars ass end up in a angle.. This will make your wheels hang forward, making it easier to put the cover back on..

payaso...... :)

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