Front Pin Removal and Insert

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Front Pin Removal and Insert

Post by noxorc »

Please explain your method for removing the rim from the knuckle on the front wheel.
How do you remove the pin :?:
And replace it :?:

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Post by CaboWabo »

I usually take a pair of needle nose pliers and grab onto the pin.
Then I grab another set of regular small, thin pliers - not needle nose and has the open area close to the handles when closed.
While holding onto the pin with the needle nose, I place the other pliers over the rim and close them, leaving the needle nose pliers coming out through the open area of the other pliers that are resting on top of the rims.
Then I pull hard like a mofo and they usually slide out like butta!
The set of pliers resting on the rims is helping distribute the force evenly around the rim - leaving less chances to scratch up the rim - it also helps you to keep the pin straight so you don't accidentally bend it as you pull out.
Replacing is easy, just set the knuckle down on a hard, flat surface - put the wheel on top.
Grab your pin and force that sucker back down with the tip of your needle nose pliers, go slow so you don't push the pin all the way to where it forces the wheel to rub on the knuckle.
You want just hair of play in there to help make the roll smooth.
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Post by payaso »

I grab the pin with a pair of needle nose plyers, and wrap a small towel around it after taking the tire off of course, then pull. If your doing a pullback mod, use the pins from the pullback wheels.

You can salvage them by cutting the pullback knuckle with wire cutters. Just be careful not to damage the pin in the process. I say this cause when you yank the pins out of the MS knuckles, you'll probably bend em.

payaso...... :)

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Post by hogjowlz »

take two micro flathead screwdrivers and wedge one on each side between the wheel and knuckle. you simply just kinda wedge the screwdrivers and pull up. it takes a little force but she should pop off smoothly.
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Post by ph2t »

When I did my full wheel size mod, I pretty did the same as Cabo. Works well. To help protect the axles, I've glued some small strips of wood to the inside of one of my needle nose pliers. This helps prevent marks on the axels and removing the chroming off them as well.

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Post by CaboWabo »

good idea ph2t!
I'm gonna try that, should help make it grip better too, I imagine the head of the pin gets to sink into the wood strips from the pressure.

damn good. I'm gonna try it next time, thanks pimp! :wink:
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Post by noxorc »

CaboWabo wrote:good idea ph2t!
damn good. I'm gonna try it next time, thanks pimp! :wink:
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Post by CaboWabo »

hey hey hey... where's you're idea? :lol:
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Post by noxorc »

CaboWabo wrote:hey hey hey... where's you're idea? :lol:

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Post by mpbiv »

I took my exacto knife and carefully carved a notch/slot in the steering knuckle down to the pin on the frontside (get pics later). It relieves a lot of the pressure on the pin and allows them to be pulled out much easier. Now I can take one pair of needle nose and grab the pin, and just hold the hub with my fingers and pull it out. When I put the pins back in, because they are knurled/ridged on the end, they still stay in the knuckle securely.

The hardest part is cutting the notch/slot because the plastic is pretty tough (might be nylon?).
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Post by CaboWabo »

yup I need pics - do you mean cutting the slot on the front of the rim or from the rear?
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Post by mpbiv »

I cut it in the front on the white plastic steering knuckle. I would love to take a pic but the camera is in another room where someone is sleeping and I don't want to wake them up at the moment.
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Post by CaboWabo »

just bust in like Homer when he was scaring Bart... holding a chainsaw and wearing a hockey mask and screaming
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Post by mpbiv »

The pic I promised, unfortunately it did not focus on the knuckle well, but all I did was cut down to the pin where indicated.
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Post by CaboWabo »

ahh, ok - so the "notch" is just on this one side?
and the knuckle isn't weakened?
I wanna try it I think - but I don't want my wheel popping out of the knuckle if she takes a hard jar.
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