Pullbacks Overview

by CaboWabo

2000 GTRSay hello to our little friend… the pullback.
What is a pullback you ask? It is a car you put on the floor, pull back to wind it up, let go and it takes off. It’s not a radio controlled car.

So now you’re probably wondering what’s so special about these little things when we’re into R/C versions of the same thing? Mainly, people are interested in the tires, rims, and the body, those all are compatible with Bits and are slightly different items than what you could normally get for your Bit, and it’s rather in-expensive. You’ll also notice that the back rims and tires a slightly wider than the front.


Leaving the thought of removing the pullback’s parts for modifications on your Bit, the pullbacks themselves are very fast and smooth! If you have room, you should wind one up and watch it take off. Pullbacks can be turned manually, only not while in motion. A dial on the bottom of the chassis, once turned, will keep your front wheels locked in a left or right angled position.

That’s the end of the overview. Check back soon for tutorials and modifications on a Bit, using these pullbacks!

Chassis & Body

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