I've got a deal for you...

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I've got a deal for you...

Post by frizzen »

So I was sitting at home the other day and heard a semi pull up to my house. "Oh great, another one can't read a map and got hung up on my corner." I thought to myself as I went out to check. "Huh, looks like they're not stuck but we never have a car carrier down this way." I walk out a little closer and ask if he needs directions.


The man with the impressive wingspan said "Hey, I'm kinda in a bind and I'm way behind, would you be interested in making a deal?" So, I move to take a better look at the cars on his rig. :eek:


"You like 'em? Maybe it'll help you decide if we unload the trailer."



"Look, if you'll just help me out on this deal all four cars on the rig are yours, plus you get the semi and the trailer. You can't beat that, anywhere. These aren't cars you can just walk out anywhere and buy for any price I bet you'd never even SEEN a car hauler trailer sized correctly for both cars and a Bit size semi? But just say the word, and I'll sign all 5 transmitters over to you straight up. I'm sure we can cut a deal here."

"Yeah, I definately want them. What do you want in trade?"

He just smiled and said I'd find out in time...
Last edited by frizzen on Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Drifter39 »

Nice showmanship, I like how you set those up. :-o
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Post by r/cdrifter7 »

nice storyline! love the semi. did you have to modify it at all?
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Post by frizzen »

The semi was an Oval Bullet clone I found a couple years ago, the only mod I had to do with it to make this trailer work was removing what looked like a giant ball hitch so that the 5th wheel pin would be able to work but I did that long before I found the trailer. It was found at a truck stop, seems like I got it for maybe $12 or $15.

The trailer was really what brought everything together, it is so much better than any other I've seen. It's plastic, has working tailgate and top deck, the rear axles are mounted on a bogey so they'll allow varying tongue heights. Will hold up to 5 bits, or 1 bit 3 zips, though it only had enough axle blocks for 4 cars. All for $6.

If I were going to haul very often, I'd move the 5th wheel pin farther forward on the trailer, or try and track down a COE semi so that it'd have more room to swing the trailer. Or if I could find another Conventional semi, I'd chop off the sleeper.

No comments about the rest of the cars?
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Post by ibjamn »

Well, yeah I got comments on the other cars........

I like the Cars body on a zip :-o
And that truck body is growing on me. If the grill looked better I'd like that body a lot more.
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