I gots questions like I gots milk...

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I gots questions like I gots milk...

Post by seeberg »

I have cars on 27A, 45, 49 mhz. I want to get a set that's on "27" regular, a TOMY initial D kit (28$)or the Ultraman Cosmo 110 car($10), and I wonder if it'll interfere with my 27A, which has it's metal oscillator/modulator thingy labled as 27.000 MHz. I'm also wondering where I can get a Pullback Sprinter Trueno that looks like the one in the intialD kit for the cheapest price. I like the inital d one because it has a changeable hood and open headllights. Also, is there a place out there that has 2 speed 35 and 57 mhz cars, and is 24$ worth it for a Super Bit Char-G RX7 FD3S 40Amhz kit? Are the first two kits worth the money as well?

Whew... Lotsa Q'n'A here, folks. Any help here is appreciated.
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Post by hogjowlz »

i have about 20 27mnz pcbs. about 16 49mhz pcbs. 3 or 4 57mhz pcbs a few 45mhz and 35mhz and one 40mhz pcbs. if its the same chip runnin shit as the sbcg then yes normal 27mhz will fuck with your "27a" shit and they will cancel eachother out. in theory the higher frequency will dominate the lower #. two 27mhzs will just make neither run when both tx are runnin. a 57mhz tx next to a turntable stylus makes coool noises btw.

as you can tell i was drinkin from merika's oldest brewery(yeungling) who was contested by molson who is soon to be bought by coors(eww).

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Post by seeberg »

good to know, yo. I have a nephew with a 27 regular so I can double check his shit, see if it messes with me. Now onto getting 2-speed 35 and 57 controllers, and I'm looking for a Sprinter Trueno Pullback.
Also, anyone have any idea if what I may be paying for my shit is worth the money? I'll also be getting an NSX-R pullback, a 4.2 motor, some 200mah batteries, a few designer heatsinks, and a couple of PCB covers from ToyEast, which will cost w/o shipping, about 20$. if only they had the sprinter I'm looking for...

BTW, anyone out there know where i can gets myself a Lancer Evo7 body for cheap $?

Hells yeah bro, anyone in tha know knows dat bitch Bush has got to pack his Texican shit an' go. Word to all the voting fly honeys!
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Hobby link Japan use to have all the 2-speed frequencies. You might keep an eye on them in case they get some more one day. I don't think they will. It's also a good source for some of your other questions. I say, pick up whatever you can find with the trueno body. This bit body is hard to find. I haven't seen the pullback in a looong time.
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Post by HirotoR34 »

I feel retarded. I painted My Hachi's hood white to match the Init D car. Come to find out in stage 4, they throw a carbon fiber hood on it. :puter:

BTW: I got a LanEvo body just sittin around. PM me and Let's make a deal. Daddy needs a new fro......
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Post by DarkTari »

Is it just me or does TE not have much 1/64 shit at all any more :???:

I don't think they're dropping da 1/64 line but rather stock'n up for Xmas.

Expect some new shit from them soon 8-)
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Post by seeberg »

Props to DarkTari's flossin F360 modena spyder. That shit is the shit.

I've been wondering what the hell happened to Toyeast myself. I got shit from them all the time, but they have no LXX bits, no TOMY regular bits, and they ran out of their run of Phantom Series bits, which I hope aren't a limited production run series, as I want all six frequencies if I can get them cheaper than in Super Bit form, although I wonder if a "Low Profile" chassis is better than a transparent one equipped with a ground effects LED...

Also, does a pullback exist of the super bit FD3S RX7 body? I totally love the RX7 with all of my body (including my pee-pee) cause it is so rad and rad means cool.

Ha ha ha, a little official ninja webpage is running off on me. funny.
...Sorry, the whitty banter that goes here listened to Richard Simmons' Sweatin' to Books on Tape until it died. Its biting sarcasm will be missed.

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