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What's a Metl-Tech NIB worth?

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:11 am
by sidewinder
Anybody up on prices Metl-Tech racers are bringing?

A few months back I bought two Metl-Tech racers starter kits... I opened them both but never charged or used the one: a white BMW. The first one I used for a while and realized I really had no place to run it so it got sold to my best friends kid (the little bugger has no idea of how good a deal he got :grin: )

For those who don't know: the Metl-tech racers are diecast 1/64 scale RCs that are digital proportional, both steering and throttle. They are actually pretty impressive. They don't stutter like Zip SEs did ad once you get used to the very odd controller they are a lot of fun. They include a lipo and charger so you can get up to one hour of driving on a charge (according to Metl-tech)... I actually got around 45-50 minutes.

I'm not sure if I should sell this or build a track. OH BTW, I'm not asking for offers...yet anyway. I'm still undecided as to its sale status.


I didn't take these pics but its the same set.


Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:19 pm
by Smoke&Mirrors
It's hard to say what they're worth. And if you do deice to sell it, I'd love to get my paws on one. The last time I saw one on eBay it was about $50. They are so hard to find now that it's damn near impossible to even see more than one at a time on auction. But you know that, don't cha? Anyway, if she goes up for sale... :-) ... :-o

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 4:10 pm
by sidewinder
If I do put it up there'll be some sort of discount for people here... I really don't have much use for it now but for some reason I'm havng a hard time bringing myself to sell it... I guess its the hoarder in me.

I wil probably decide in a few days... my buddy Tommy has a new 1/5 scale F1 he wants to run and I told him to bring along his 1/36 Micro Raminator...if its as cool as it looks in the pictures I might have to sell the Metl-Tech to raise funds for the Raminator or a Stadium Truck :???: