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My thoughts about the Zip Zap SE
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 1:40 am
I know the SE has been out for quite some time, but i thought i'd add some of my own input in there. I got my SE (savannah, then i exchanged it for the ford mustang GT concept) 2 days ago. Out of the box i was quite happy with how it performed. I wasn't expecting much because i've read all the negative things about it. My SE had the usual problems, stutter and no left propo. The speed was ok with the stock, but after adding the NX motor i was happier with the speed. I love the "step" speed, handleing and control are awsome in my opinion. I like the controller set up (it could have been bigger, but i'm fine with the size). I love the new mustang and although it sits high like all ZZ's its still nice to look at. The LED's are a plus, i like how they resemble HID's, but they cut down on run time. After 3 days of playing with the SE stock, i decided to do the steering mod (fallowed madscotts tutorial) and now this SE is AWSOME. All in all, i'm VERY pleased with my SE and i'm glad i bought it. Its seems a lot of people are dissapointed, but it seems a lot of people were expecting to much from it. Just my 2 cents on the SE
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 9:21 am
by crazydave
SPEED, you actually make a good point. The SE is not that bad for what it is. You simply are not going to find another RC that's proportional 25 bucks, much less 1/64th scale.
Here's my point of view on why I complain. I've become addicted mosfets. Every single car I own is FETed now. So when the FETs didn't do the same for the SE that they do for my other cars I was disapointed. However the FETs did make a slight improvement, and I would have been happy with that, if I didn't know that someone else has solved the problem. Knowing that the SE can be better leaves me feeling frustrated, unsettled, and again dissatified.
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 11:02 am
by betty.k
i've heard that a micro amps fet mod triples the speed of a stock se. perhaps it's the type of fets you're using?
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 4:47 pm
by crazydave
betty.k wrote:i've heard that a micro amps fet mod triples the speed of a stock se. perhaps it's the type of fets you're using?
Yes it could be, but as I've said, I can't figure it. Why? You know something we don't?
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:59 am
by betty.k
nahh, i've never even laid eyes on a se, but people say good things about his se fet mods. send him an email or try him at ausmicro, i'm outta my league here
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:42 pm
by DarkTari
i decided to do the steering mod (fallowed madscotts tutorial) and now this SE is AWSOME
MadScott over at MRC ??
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 3:31 pm
by MadScott
Yeah, just caught wind of this myself DT.
Lest there be no doubt, I didn't come up with this steering fix. Devedander, Todd C, OTP and OutcastZeroOne were the ones that worked this out. I think that Son Goku, aka Charlie Brown, may have PMed me and I pointed him towards that particular thread but that was the extent of it.
Just to clarify and give the proper folks the correct props.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 3:22 am
Yah thanks Madscott for the clear up. A thanks to OldTamiyaPhile, OutCastZeroOne, ToddC, DeveDander back from MRC and all the others who helped with making the steering mod. I know there are also some Pimps from here that helped out to. Thanks to those, and i'm quite happy how my ZZ performs now.
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 11:56 am
by Cheesehead
They're kinda fragile-my freind, who was trying to fix my steering (last time I let him near my zipzap...) managed to snap all the wires without much effort at all. Now, if I could find a small enough soldering iron to solder the stupid thing back together.....
As a side note-how did you solder yours?
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 8:05 pm
by betty.k
cheesehead, to tin the tiny steering wires (on any micro rc), have a little blob of solder on the iron and poke the end of the wire into it. add some fresh solder and keep the wire in the blob for 2 - 3 seconds. the acids in the solder remove the enamel coating and you're ready to go. micro amps learned me that one
using tweezers hold the end of the wire to the solder pad on the pcb, dab it with your iron and hold in place til the solder sets, just blow on it to cool it. and don't over heat the pcb
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 8:17 pm
by Cheesehead
Well, my car is toast....for now, anyway. It will probbably go into something someday. The Rx is fine, but it fell apart. It was'nt their fault...I tripped and melted through everything.
I got a second ZZSE, and performed the steering mod. It works great, has better battery life after the mod, and I love it to death. I think I will get a FETmod soon, though. It's a little slow.
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 10:49 pm
by TMP
when i went to buy my Xmod i saw the ZZ and ZZSE`s, my little cuzin owns alot of bits and he saw the SE`s and he liked the bodies, he asked me to buy him one, but then i went 2 stores over and got him a 5 dollar precious clone lol. are they really worth that much? i havent paid that since my first few real JDM bits.
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:58 am
by DarkTari
TMP wrote:when i went to buy my Xmod i saw the ZZ and ZZSE`s, my little cuzin owns alot of bits and he saw the SE`s and he liked the bodies, he asked me to buy him one, but then i went 2 stores over and got him a 5 dollar precious clone lol. are they really worth that much? i havent paid that since my first few real JDM bits.
Well it's as CD said, it's worth it for what you get! A 1/64 propo for $24.00 ain't bad! There are Bit's out there still going for $35.00
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 12:43 pm
by TMP
hmm.... how many ticks does the propo steering have? is it like 7? you know like really left, some left, little left then center. or is it really wide? or is that not even how proportional works
so confused, maybe ill pick one up. i looove the bodies
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 3:54 pm
by payaso
TMP wrote:hmm.... how many ticks does the propo steering have? is it like 7? you know like really left, some left, little left then center. or is it really wide? or is that not even how proportional works
so confused, maybe ill pick one up. i looove the bodies
My SE has 4 steps in left/right, and 4 or 5 steps in forward/reverse...
Pick some up...