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Another buttwad rippin stuff off

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 10:25 pm
by HirotoR34
I post on occasionally and found this idiot promoting his Xmod shell painting business. I didn't really think anything of it until I saw his little" copyright crewinfusion" at the bottom of the page.......what a dick. ... ntjobs.htm

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 10:34 pm
by sg219
I just went there and unless I missed what your talkin' about....its gone already!!

There was the little colored thing that shows up when there is a broken link one second, and the next it was gone.

Damn that was quick... :cool:

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 10:38 pm
by chrome
Yo Hiroto, Isn't that your skyline he's got a picture of there?

And what am I missing by the copyright?


Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 11:09 pm
by HirotoR34
I just went to the site, and my car is still there under the pics of the blue Skyline.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 11:17 pm
by Bird
chrome wrote:Yo Hiroto, Isn't that your skyline he's got a picture of there?

:???: Wonder why homie didn't use the azz shot?

EDIT... Hiroto... have you contacted that fuck yet?

also... makes you wonder if any of that other shit is his... well maybe the blue skylinze, considering it's pretty shitty lookin'...

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:03 am
by HirotoR34
Yeah, I contacted Freewebs and asked them to remove the picture or force the little prick to do so. The blue skyline above is also an Xmodsource members ride. (Don't know why he picked it)

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 9:28 am
by chrome
That black civic with the silver flames is from a MRCC member. I recognize that green RSX too. I think it's Ahh5hit's. But, I also think he may have sold that, so I don't know.


Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:56 am
by hogjowlz
but you can sign his guestbook.

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:58 am
by CaboWabo
was just gonna mention that and saw jowlz struck again :lol:

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 11:01 am
by chrome
Gee, wonder who posted that nasty picture in his guestbook??

Wonder how many of those pictures attached to emails it would take to crash his inbox?


Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:22 pm
by HirotoR34
Now that is some funny shite!!!!!! :D :D

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 8:26 pm
by viperdout
I don't usually post here anymore, but the little douche who made that site posted in on the site I am an admin for (xmodsource). Every single pic on his site is from the xmodsource gallery, except I did not see the Civic on there. He is banned from my site perminantly. If you want to harass him, his AIM handle is BlcK AngeL WnG. Have fun tormenting the little bastard, as he refused to remove the pics when I asked.

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 8:39 pm
by HirotoR34
I e-mailed Freewebs last night and I've received no response whatsoever. I guess they don't give a shit. I think I'm gonna have to turn on the asshole....

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 11:30 pm
by stampede_dude
traxxas1stampede: hello
traxxas1stampede: i hear you like xmods
BlcK AngeL WnG: hey
BlcK AngeL WnG: whose this
traxxas1stampede: do you have a website?
BlcK AngeL WnG: yea
traxxas1stampede: where
traxxas1stampede: shoe me
BlcK AngeL WnG: well its under construction
traxxas1stampede: i dont care
BlcK AngeL WnG: theres nothing on it
traxxas1stampede: ive seen alot of xmods and you might have a few ive not seen
traxxas1stampede: i like to look at xmods
traxxas1stampede: please?
BlcK AngeL WnG: ttheres no cars on it
traxxas1stampede: theres this one guy i know
traxxas1stampede: called crew infusion
traxxas1stampede: his cars are aweome
traxxas1stampede: but ive only seen a few
BlcK AngeL WnG: thats my account
traxxas1stampede: really?
BlcK AngeL WnG: yea
traxxas1stampede: cool
BlcK AngeL WnG: those arent my cars
traxxas1stampede: whos are they
BlcK AngeL WnG: there people on a site i borrowed them to show people what kind of work i can do
traxxas1stampede: borrowed?did you get permission?
BlcK AngeL WnG: well i sent them a message
traxxas1stampede: but did you get permission
BlcK AngeL WnG: have u been to my page
BlcK AngeL WnG: no i havent recieved a reply yet
traxxas1stampede: what page?i thought it was under construction
BlcK AngeL WnG: it is
BlcK AngeL WnG:
traxxas1stampede: dude
BlcK AngeL WnG: what
traxxas1stampede: what happened to all the skylines and stuff
traxxas1stampede: ... ntjobs.htm
BlcK AngeL WnG: they were deleted till i get permission
traxxas1stampede: like that cool red one
traxxas1stampede: why didnt you put the rear end of the red one up
BlcK AngeL WnG: when i get a reply you can see them again
traxxas1stampede: maybe...because it said hiroto on the plate?
traxxas1stampede: and you just happen to be hiroto
traxxas1stampede: hirotor34
traxxas1stampede: he worked hard on his cars
BlcK AngeL WnG: no thats not me that was his car and i asked him if i could use it and he never answered me
traxxas1stampede: you can get in trouble for stealing pictures from people
traxxas1stampede: if you dont get an answer you assume they dont want you to use it not that they do want you to use it
BlcK AngeL WnG: thats why there deleted
traxxas1stampede: oh ok
BlcK AngeL WnG: k

theres the convo i had with him. i guess he straightened up. if you follow hitotos link and go to the homepage the cars are no longer accecible from there. i told him not do that again and i think it was justa misunderstanding and i hope it was.

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 1:54 am
by HirotoR34
That's bullshit. He did send me a pm, but it wasn't to ask permission for the pic... He was trying to sell me an (autographed???)Xmod.
I'm still seeing the pic on his site, so I don't know if he's planning on removing it or not. If he wants to show off his painting skills, then he should paint his car, or a freinds...

This was his pm:
Quote message

From Crew Infusion
To FociFanatic
Posted Wed Oct 20, 2004 4:46 am
Subject hey

hey bro whats up nice ride. do you have anyother xmods cause im lookin for a stock one i can trade my zip zaps for if you know anyone that has one let me know and im selling my Xmods skyline its signed by Tila Nguyen $125