traxxas1stampede: hello
traxxas1stampede: i hear you like xmods
BlcK AngeL WnG: hey
BlcK AngeL WnG: whose this
traxxas1stampede: do you have a website?
BlcK AngeL WnG: yea
traxxas1stampede: where
traxxas1stampede: shoe me
BlcK AngeL WnG: well its under construction
traxxas1stampede: i dont care
BlcK AngeL WnG: theres nothing on it
traxxas1stampede: ive seen alot of xmods and you might have a few ive not seen
traxxas1stampede: i like to look at xmods
traxxas1stampede: please?
BlcK AngeL WnG: ttheres no cars on it
traxxas1stampede: theres this one guy i know
traxxas1stampede: called crew infusion
traxxas1stampede: his cars are aweome
traxxas1stampede: but ive only seen a few
BlcK AngeL WnG: thats my account
traxxas1stampede: really?
BlcK AngeL WnG: yea
traxxas1stampede: cool
BlcK AngeL WnG: those arent my cars
traxxas1stampede: whos are they
BlcK AngeL WnG: there people on a site i borrowed them to show people what kind of work i can do
traxxas1stampede: borrowed?did you get permission?
BlcK AngeL WnG: well i sent them a message
traxxas1stampede: but did you get permission
BlcK AngeL WnG: have u been to my page
BlcK AngeL WnG: no i havent recieved a reply yet
traxxas1stampede: what page?i thought it was under construction
BlcK AngeL WnG: it is
BlcK AngeL WnG:
traxxas1stampede: dude
BlcK AngeL WnG: what
traxxas1stampede: what happened to all the skylines and stuff
traxxas1stampede: ... ntjobs.htm
BlcK AngeL WnG: they were deleted till i get permission
traxxas1stampede: like that cool red one
traxxas1stampede: why didnt you put the rear end of the red one up
BlcK AngeL WnG: when i get a reply you can see them again
traxxas1stampede: maybe...because it said hiroto on the plate?
traxxas1stampede: and you just happen to be hiroto
traxxas1stampede: hirotor34
traxxas1stampede: he worked hard on his cars
BlcK AngeL WnG: no thats not me that was his car and i asked him if i could use it and he never answered me
traxxas1stampede: you can get in trouble for stealing pictures from people
traxxas1stampede: if you dont get an answer you assume they dont want you to use it not that they do want you to use it
BlcK AngeL WnG: thats why there deleted
traxxas1stampede: oh ok
BlcK AngeL WnG: k
theres the convo i had with him. i guess he straightened up. if you follow hitotos link and go to the homepage the cars are no longer accecible from there. i told him not do that again and i think it was justa misunderstanding and i hope it was.