drifting...for real
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:07 am
im not here to start nything silly,but...
i was talking and thinking about my zipzap and how to boost its performance on the levle of drifting. i put some tape on the rear tires, and it sucked going forwards, but backwards it ran like a champ. my car is the one being sold in the b/s/t area, with an se dual cell. the battery is near the front ,and since it will be naturally easier for the car to drift while going backwards, i was thinking of converting to fwd. the weight of the engine will keep the wheels on the floor, but the counter weight of the battery in back will shift coming into the drift,if i am correct it will slam all the weight to the front,or to one side,to the cars advantage. does anyone else have any ideas?
i was talking and thinking about my zipzap and how to boost its performance on the levle of drifting. i put some tape on the rear tires, and it sucked going forwards, but backwards it ran like a champ. my car is the one being sold in the b/s/t area, with an se dual cell. the battery is near the front ,and since it will be naturally easier for the car to drift while going backwards, i was thinking of converting to fwd. the weight of the engine will keep the wheels on the floor, but the counter weight of the battery in back will shift coming into the drift,if i am correct it will slam all the weight to the front,or to one side,to the cars advantage. does anyone else have any ideas?