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Toyeast Microsizers

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:11 am
by kvik369
Well with Toyeast selling Microsizers, does that mean that the US market is officially dead?

I guess the Zips took over.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:34 am
by crazydave
Well there is some kind of tight connection between Tower Hobbies and Hobbico, so when I saw Tower clearing out Microsizers, I knew that Microsizers were officially dead, and Zip Zaps have overtook the American market.

Honestly, I like Zip Zaps as an alternative, and I probably did most of my early mods on Zip Zaps, but Zip Zaps as my only option turns my stomach. Particularly, because they mostly just release SEs now.

I've already been stocking up on MSs, but now, I guess I'll check out what TE has to offer. I wonder how long this is gonna last. :???:

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:44 am
by kvik369
A moment of silence..............

Its a sad day in the US micro rc market

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 12:02 am
by betty.k
think yourselves lucky you got what you did. down here we got "compact char g", i never saw more than 2 or three different shells with the sets and that's it. no boosters, no upgrade parts, nuthin. and they never really took off in a way that makes companies happy so they weren't around for very long. no tv ads, nuthin. :sad:

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 8:04 am
by crazydave
Damn, didn't know Bruce's had it so bad.

Well you guys have managed to have your share of fun, but I know it's much cooler to be able to pick one up at the corner store than to have order everything from China.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:50 am
by betty.k
it's a weird market down here. apart from the ccg and the occasional clone we got superslicks and just the basic models of them. nothing like your ratshack where you can get xmods and zz's and all the hopups.
we have something similar down here (tandy, dick smith electronics) but they only sell bullshit rc's that are rubbish as soon as you break 1 part (think crappy nikko shit).

i still believe rc's, especially micros are set to hit cult status. like setup a track and cars in a club or pub and i'll bet you money they get played with. :cool:

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 6:29 am
by TeamBonzer
Hey Betty, don't despair.

Chance that you might see a micro revival in Oz next year. Hopefully working with Funtastic to bundle BonzerMat Pro with micros.

Tomy finaly launching Bits in the UK with the ferrari and lambo boxed sets (only 2 years late!).

Pub racing does work, check out my vid if you haven't already.
