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Picked up a new clone at the trade lot
Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:23 am
by stampede_dude
For $2. It has the ugly biohazard looking rims, but I dropped a purple ZZ NX motor in it with green gears and it drives ok...I was planning to drop a 100mah GP cell in it anyways for longer runtime and a better quality battery in it and I find a 60mah Nicad...this thing must be old. The tab was about half covered in corrosion and so was the negative end of the battery that it touched. I saved the battery as I always do but I doubt it's any good...I had to reglue the tab and while it was drying and the glue gun cooling off I detailed the body to get all of the sticker residue off and the cell is still peak charging. Pretty good deal for $2 and some stuff I already had.
Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 8:22 pm
by crazydave
Man, I keep telling you guys. I monitered my batteries for voltage drop while chargeing. Found I could charge 50mah Tomy cells for about 2-3 minutes with 2 AAAs (If you charge slower, you can get slightly longer runtimes, because there is less heat build up so the battery takes more juice), and I get 15-20 minutes runtime, plenty for me. NiCds punch harder than NiMH, and the 60 mah NiCds are my some of my favorite batteries, good punch and little more runtime. Those 100mah cells get me about 40 minutes runtime, and while they have more consistant performance from beginning to end of the run, they lack that initial punch of a NiCd at the beginning of the run, because NiCds have a lower internal resistance.
At any rate, from what you said about the wheels and the battery (and the corrosion

) those sound just like the Charg-N-Gos. Seems like a great deal for $2 to me.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 10:04 pm
by stampede_dude
Yeah, and it had/has a screwed up wheel well too...too bad its in the trash now, it was so brittle that with a small amount of pressure, it broke. I reglued the first (steering cover) because it isn't under stress, and it broke in two places, then one of the front knuckle holders broke off so i trashed it for the PCB, which is pretty nice (40mhz). I guess i'll have it if i want to chunk it in a zipzap.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:54 pm
by Mad_Maxx
Hey you charge the 60 mah tomy's with a special charger??
If I charge them with the controlle 2 times (90 secs+-) I only get max 10 mins runtime.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:29 pm
by crazydave
Mad_Maxx wrote:Hey you charge the 60 mah tomy's with a special charger??
If I charge them with the controlle 2 times (90 secs+-) I only get max 10 mins runtime.
Nowdays I use this: ... php?t=6616
Even though I'm using a 300mah wallwart it charges faster and gets the batteries hotter than when I used 2xAAAs. When I monitored for voltage drop I wired the batteries straight to the charger base, and got about 3-3 1/2 minute charge times. If your charging with a bit controller the AAs charge a little faster than AAAs, but you should be able to get away with charging 4x for a 3 minute charge time, and 20 minute runtime. The batteries will be toasty warm, and while heat is not great for batteries, it should be fine, as long as its not too hot to touch. (Though I have accidently overcharged batteries to the point they swell and split the shrink wrap, and while their life was shorter, they worked great for the time worked.
