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Current State

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 8:21 pm
by guerd87
hey guys, just thought i would post up some recent pics of my MT

have the artic mod done, gearbox off fujifilm camera lense and still the same old body (going to be doing something with it one day..)

steering motor was upgraded and it turnes really really good now, 3rd cell mounted up from and wire around rims really helped the backwards flips

(and yes, the 3rd cell isnt hooked up yet, coming in the next few days )

onto the pics








Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 8:46 pm
by honda_s2000
Looks like its coming along nicely, can we get some shots of that gearbox ? I cant see where it's being driven from, getting kinda confused. :???: I bet the third cell will do wonders. :-o

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:16 pm
by 45tr0
looking good man! i still havent had the guts to do this to an MT yet.
look me up next time you're up this way - i might have a couple of spare zipzap bodies to replace that green truck.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:51 pm
by guerd87
thanks for the comments guys

45tr0 - ill be up that way tmr, if your not too bust send us a msg and ill see if we can catchup :lol:

as for the gearbox HS2K, heres some pics of when i was putting it together




hope that makes it a bit more clearer? i just hacked away at the old motor mount bay and glued some extra supports on after the box was aligned and glued on :-o

the motor on there is the motor out a the camera itself but its the same scale as the sotcko but it revs really slowly,i might change it to the stocko one and try to gain a bitmore speed :eek:


Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 3:24 pm
by )3utthead
it looks good :-o