Lipo Sacks: Necessity or scam?

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Re: Lipo Sacks: Necessity or scam?

Post by sidewinder »

I'm thinking about getting one of the bit size lipos and hooking it up to a charger (set to the highest possible setting) just to see what happens. Maybe I should do it outside though. :lol:
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Re: Lipo Sacks: Necessity or scam?

Post by frizzen »

So first you need to build an RC or automatic "Pile Driver" attachment for something... Tractor, semi, something Duratrax, whatever. Build it close to fireproof.

After the video camera is set: On a fireproof surface hook up to a Lipo charger set way too high for the battery, put the monitor thermocouple in a cup of icewater, put lipo under your new piledriver toy, stand well back, start it...

Take still pics too, it'd just be too cool not to!
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Re: Lipo Sacks: Necessity or scam?

Post by Nasphere »

Why use an itty bitty one when you can use a new 740mAh cell for about $4 ... oduct=7573

or if you REALLY want to use a small one, they have 70mAh for under $2 ... oduct=7566
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