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Post by steelwoolghandi »

so tell me.... can it hit 95mph and travel through time? or are you still workin on bugs?
Only if I throw it real hard or it is taped to my car!! :eek:
Is that a regular ZipZap, or the SE?
its an SE from the Initail D set thats the only one I could find where I did not have to change to whole body up to make it work!

Thanks for the great comments it alwasy makes me want to do more and better Mods!
Oh and thanks for the great forum! Its just like ripper said!

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Post by Son_Gokou »

Is that a regular ZipZap, or the SE?
its an SE from the Initail D set thats the only one I could find where I did not have to change to whole body up to make it work!
I meant the RC itself, not just the body. Did you take the SE body, or is that actually an SE car?
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Post by steelwoolghandi »

Sorry was confused I guess by the question anyway the body is an SE but its on a Standard Zip zap Chasse. I like the standard chasses because they sit lower (much better for da showing off)

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Post by Son_Gokou »

steelwoolghandi wrote:Sorry was confused I guess by the question anyway the body is an SE but its on a Standard Zip zap Chasse. I like the standard chasses because they sit lower (much better for da showing off)

lol, yeah, plus they're much lighter, good for more speed. And they have more room in the belly than the SE, good for more cells, which is good for more speed.
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Post by CaboWabo »

after seeing payaso's mosfet'ed se - and not to mention they're already dual celled... with the fet, they're jumpy for sure - I couldn't image trying to handle more speed in a controlled situation (e.g. propo micro on a reasonable track)
I'll hopefully have a fet'ed se soon and I'll be able to judge for sure for myself what's up. but I'm banking on it being my 2nd favorite car (some of my past pimp rides keep the trone)
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