Video: Ganked Ghetto Style

Use this gallery to show off your own garage of sleds - everything 1:32 and smaller - no matter if they be bangin, slangin, or just barely hangin.
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Post by CaboWabo »

word to that dave

yea filelicker pretty much nailed it - all nasty shiat that shouldn't be there = ghetto goo.

you pimps that are getting half a play then a buffer (and/or probs.) - either:
1.) your connection or your cpu.
2.) my bandwidth (should still feed, never give up - so if it stops on you, might want to check your end) or serious load on the server at the time. (could be, that particular video has been getting nailed a lot, and a few other things)

overall, if you're having trouble - yea download it and try to play it.
but as you can see - most everyone is able to play it and has no troubles
(again, could just be server load at the moment or something else)
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Post by noxorc »


as I watch...I like about 1/2 though, and the camera angle down low.
I like it!.

great cinamatograph..


(i'd change the tune...but I'm 70's-80's-ish)
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Post by CaboWabo »

thanks holmes :-)
yea I know we don't nail your music tastes much - I like the older stuff too - we'll have to work something in
Dear Life Cereal, Where do you get off? Part of a balanced breakfast and delicious? Who do you think you are? By now you may have guessed I'm speaking ironically and have nothing but good things to say about what you do. Life cereal do not change a thing.
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