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Evo's monster - B.K inspired.

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 5:34 am
by TheEvo
Someday, a couple of weeks ago i said to myself:
“Screw the super bits – i wanna go outside!”

So.. I started to search the net, for everything in 1:64 scale which would be interesting for this purpose. You guessed right – off-road!

I looked here and there and as a loyal member of bitpimps i started to check the forums daily for inspiration which would be helpful for my off-roader. The thing which really set this into the high gear, was when betty.k registred at bitpimps, and showed some of his cars. Long story short – i was sold when i saw his yellow S2000!

Ok then.. How did he do it?
I found out quickly that betty.k had several off-road bits lying around and, thanks betty, he had also pictures of how to do the an off-road bit!

I became a little disapponted when i saw the tools and materials used for this mod, so i “downsized” the mod.
This was very easy, i founded some plastic, formed it to an h-plate, cutted the chassis and voila. H-plate.
The plastic is very stiff, yet it can still flex alot..

On top of that i added:
- Legowheels (I am a TRUE dane!)
- Tomy PCB from my first bit(It was ready for the tin, but i couldnt force myself! It was my first bit!)
- A Diablo shell.
- Raised the front tab.
- H-plate.

This is actually it. Im pretty happy with it, though this car absolutely SCREAMS for more power as the lego-wheels are heavy! Im thinking of dual-cell, but with a Mini-z mad force coming in the next week, i cant afford anything! But hey – you have to start somewhere right?

Right now my hoster is down (9:45PM - danish time) so you cant see the pic.
I cutted the chassis in two, and just glued an H-plate formed piece of plastic between. This IS the easiest suspension mod i've ever seen. Except adding springs to the front which will come someday after the dual-cell. Batteries are ordered!


Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 5:55 am
by barto_85
damn, very nice and clean job. It looks very nice with that shell on top too. Great Job!

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 8:58 am
by betty.k
aww, shucky darn! :oops: thanks man, damn fine job there! so is that a sbcg chassis? and what do you mean disappointed? i don't use anything special. materials are:

hinge plate:
cassette plastic,
cd sleeve plastic,
thin metal.

rear shock:
cassette plastic,
wd40 tubing,
thin metal,

it's all just crap that i've gathered from scrap packaging or electronic goods, should be able to find most things around the house. as for tools, i'm not using anything special, hacksaw blades, scalpel, drill & bits, precision screwdrivers (for drilling as well as screwing!), tweezers, superglue, soldering iron, concrete (for grinding!), blu tac, electrical tape, stuff like that. no dremmels, no drill press or any fancy stuff.
great stuff, i love the whole setup! :eek: keep us updated

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 9:03 am
by Maxximum Attack
I wish I had the balls to do that, and the resourses. :(


Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 9:14 am
by TheEvo
Hmm.. Disappointed? I dont know, i guess its my english :grin:
I was like.. "Wow, so much to do!". That way disappointed.

You know i did a rear shock, with different tools and materials.

3 3mm screws (I didnt have smaller..)
3 3mm .. those you put on the end of a screw.
Pencil spring.

The spring was too "tight" and the spring was reversed so the the screw hitted the heat-sink.

.. i'll get a picture later.

I'll do a dual-cell next week. I get 2 batteries when i buy the monster.

Or just find some lighter wheels.

The H-plate is also getting more loose, so theres room for some SERIOUS flexing!

Oh yeah.. I need some smaller screws if i have to do the spring proper.

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 10:27 am
by TMP
is that a super bit chassis? Cause i would never, EVER have to balls to chop one of those expensive things in half.

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 10:34 am
by betty.k
dual cell is the way to go! it will help the steerintg and give you plenty power to spin those wheels :cool:

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 10:51 am
by TheEvo
The chassis is a SQW with a Tomy PCB.

Im just a little afraid of doing the dual-cell mod.

i short circuited my last bit.. Well, i dont get far if i weap!

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 1:04 pm
by Canadian Bit
Not El Diablo! :sad: Just use a DB.

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 1:54 pm
by filelicker
give us more details about the "H" PLATE
I am very curious :shock:

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 8:34 pm
by TMP
The hindge plate is the thing that holds the chassis together after he cut it. These originate from mini-Z, in which the suspention works with a hindge holding the rear end and having a spring bend it up and down- therefore creating a type of suspention. Betty.K first simulated this with one of his offroad bits, which was friggen awesome! so the hindge holds the chassis together so it can pivot up and down acting as suspention. hmm i think thats what it is... correct me if im wrong please.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 1:48 am
by sg219
Sweet ride!! Ilike the off road thing. Betty k. and now you. I see my future......