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My dual cell Honda S2K rally racer clone

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 7:43 pm
by Son_Gokou
Well, decided to get a car and mod it just for the Bitpimps 8-) , and since I couldn't get a MicroSizer, got the next best thing, or the better thing because of range: A Rally Racer clone.


Dual cell mod, no solder (just took some solder strips, folded them and pinched them hard onto stranded wire, then taped it to the external battery) with 2 ZipZap 100 mah batts

Stock gear ratio, 9.86:1

ZipZap NX motor 34,000 rpm

Here are some pics:


Took those speed stickers off...Fuck, now my car's slower. :-)

The charger :-)


The whole mess on my desk:


This bitch is fast...A lot faster than the ZipZap I had with the gay Layman's tricell :-) Whenever I hit reverse, then jam forward, it wheelies..but I need a better axle, because the stock one isn't tight enough on the end opposite the gear, and it just does rotations on it's rear wheels. The stupid digi-cam can take pics but not movies, so for now I'm stuck with this. ;)

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 7:48 pm
by sg219
Are you going to paint that? I hope so!!

Plus, I still want to see something actually work!!

I'd be >>> :shock: :eek:

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 7:50 pm
by CaboWabo
I'm somewhat impressed that you keep to this "duct tape and chewing gum" approach to things.

as long as it works, that's #1, but I'm affraid after you spill it a couple of times, you might get a loose connection and be constantly re-doing what you've already done.

at any rate - good luck and have fun. I love dual celled cars probably more than fetted cars.

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 8:01 pm
by Son_Gokou
Thanks Cabo. :-)

SG- Like I said, the gay digi cam doesn't record movies on the memory card, just pics, so unless I get a better digi cam or miraculously get the current one to store vids on the computer.....well, you know.

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 8:14 pm
by Bird
Goku, how's it wheelie?

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 8:28 pm
by Son_Gokou
Bird wrote:Goku, how's it wheelie?
Sup Bird. :-)

the wheelie: Before I replaced the axle and idler gear, it would zoom in reverse, maybe turn and flip because the end of the axle opposite the gear wasn't tight enough. When I finally managed to wheelie, the car would rise on it's rear wheels and spin 360's, no bullshit! This is what happens when the axle isn't tight enough and more power is applied to the left wheel (rear of the car facing you) than the right wheel.

I found an old MS stock axle and idler gear and threw those in. It now does perfect wheelies, and doesn't turn in reverse. However, I'm gonna need more steering springs to keep the center steering strong.

UPDATE: I took Cabo's post as a hint, and after half an hour of soldering, accidentally messing up the wires, cursing, kicking the table, and missing 15 minutes of my fav cartoon (You guys can guess which one), I soldered the dual cell in, and it's on the charging base right now after some driving. It still wheelies pretty cool and all, but now I don't have to worry about anything coming loose.

I'm also thinking of painting the shell once I get the PROPER masking tape, not just the roll of white caramel tape that sits in the desk for any other use. :-)

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 10:56 pm
by Finks
Thought you had a camcorder there little man? Ahh either way, glad to see you are actually listening. This project shows promise. But please use some water and soap and take off the sticker goo.

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 11:00 pm
by CaboWabo
at least he cleans his finger nails.
I haven't seen a shot yet w/ a close up of his hands that show long or dirty finger nails.
I hate cutting my finger nails - what a pain the ass.

ok - back to topic - sorry

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 11:07 pm
by Son_Gokou
CaboWabo wrote:at least he cleans his finger nails.
I haven't seen a shot yet w/ a close up of his hands that show long or dirty finger nails.
Well, the other day I was busy scratching my.....oh, right..stay on topic....LOL

Finks, the camcorder I have doesn't record videos on the memory card that plugs into the seperate disk which plugs into the computer. I've tried deleting ALL the pics on the card before putting it back into the camcorder. I've read the luck. I need a better camera, or a webcam or some shit....

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 11:11 pm
by Finks
Do you have an S video output on the camcorder??? If you bought it in the last 4 years my guess is you do. So long as you have a half decent video card you have an S video input on that. Tada! Or you can hook your cam up via *GASP* USB/Firewire!!!!!!! HOLY CRAAAAP! You don't have to only use the SD card Bra.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 12:19 am
by crazydave
Well I'll give you credit, you do seem to be paying some attention. Good call listening to Cabo, I was thinking evrything he said. No you see why you want to start out basic? You think you were cursing trying to solder a dual cell, wait 'til you start playing with PCBs. Now go wash your mouth out with soap.

CaboWabo wrote:at least he cleans his finger nails.
I haven't seen a shot yet w/ a close up of his hands that show long or dirty finger nails.
I hate cutting my finger nails - what a pain the ass.

ok - back to topic - sorry
Oh, now you done it, it's already too late. :lol:

I always have to have at least one fingernail around to pick and scrape at things, but I always get black shit under my nails, can't figure out where it comes from. :???: