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Tired of all the other kids making fun of me... UPDATED 5/25

Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 6:37 pm
by kwikbb
make fun of my under powered "Bit-Zap" will you and those tiny ass front wheels! Well you can cram it up your @sss!! :twisted:

edit: Not sure what the heck happened but the original pics are lost :???:

So i snapped some new dual shots, the Supra body's gone on it's way to a new home so... no beauty shots there.



Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 6:45 pm
by CaboWabo
that's sweet and clean playa!
nice job.

if the other kids bother you again, just run them over lol

Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 6:51 pm
by kwikbb
Thanks Pimp! that was my 3 AM excursion lol...

Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 9:37 pm
by payaso
kwikbb wrote:Thanks Pimp! that was my 3 AM excursion lol...
Damn good product for the A.M. hours... You can hardly tell it's not stock.. Very clean kwik..


Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 9:44 pm
by TheFanMan
Super delicious. Makes me want to make my own

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 10:27 am
by kwikbb
Thank you all!

I'm really glad that i resurrected this project, it was a great challenge and big FUN too!
Gotta work some little quirks out though, right now i'm running it with a 2.8 [damn sexy beast] and had to mess around with the gear ratios. This things got so much torque off the line the chassis twists... errr actually it has a nasty hook to the left, gonna have to look into hogs "JB Weld Axel Thingy" and front springs!

I think i may go out and buy another ZZ today just so i can have the front hubs and rear axel and spare parts... the OG ones musta got lost after the fire... *shrug* oh wells!

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 2:15 pm
by kwikbb
It's all about evolution!

as i had said in my previous post;
I think i may go out and buy another ZZ today just so i can have the front hubs and rear axel and spare parts... the OG ones musta got lost after the fire... *shrug* oh wells!
so i went down to one of my local friendly RS and picked up this Sexy Beast right here!
the pics in the catalog do not, i repeat do not do this ride justice!
Yeah Baby!

Had to see what it would look like... ehh does nothin' for me and it handles like shit!

this is what set it off right here, the stock front ride height! it's doesn't look all jacked up in the front, unlike the previous models this has a much more proprtional fender gap.

This is all mounted on my dual cell chassis, which brings me to point #2. Yes I did just go out and spend $20 on front hubs and a Blingin' Ass 350 body, crazy you say?!
Yes crazy indeed... about perfection! And this is exactly what I needed to balance out my dual cell mod, the larger diameter wheels and proper grade tire are key to make this bullet controllable and more enjoyable to drive! Plus the body's extra Shiny! :twisted:

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 2:32 pm
by CaboWabo
frickin sweet pics kwik. you're right that's totally worth it both for looks and performance. Man I bet that puppy roars, what two cells you using?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 2:53 pm
by sessiz
Kwik, did ya try the car out? How'd it perform compared to the old zip?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 3:30 pm
by kwikbb
CaboWabo wrote:frickin sweet pics kwik. you're right that's totally worth it both for looks and performance. Man I bet that puppy roars, what two cells you using?
It screams now, man this is my new favoritist toy! And like I said the wheels made a huge difference, plus i'm using a MS hard stabilus and MS (not bit) medium slicks up front and Bit mediums out back for a little "slippy-grippy" action. I'm using two 160mah nimh for a powerplant, the ones from Namuna.
sessiz wrote:Kwik, did ya try the car out? How'd it perform compared to the old zip?
You know what sess, I didn't even pop some batts in the controller and take it for rip around the kitchen :( . I was so excited to get it that right when i got it home i cracked it open and raped it of it's front knuckles and hubs, it's still a virgin lol, but i made sure that i got a 45mhz just in case i get the urge to build another dual w/o a PCB swap. I remebered what you had said regarding the new PCB shelling out more juice, so i got the lesser of two evils. :twisted:

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 4:34 pm
by sessiz
Damn man, ya shoulda atleast run it once, it's a damn shame to be holdin a virgin car, but I understand what ya did totally :P

Another funny thing about the 350z zz is that the pcb cover is glued down :? I think it's about time I tear into this car and see what's up.

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 5:09 pm
by kwikbb
sessiz wrote:Another funny thing about the 350z zz is that the pcb cover is glued down :? I think it's about time I tear into this car and see what's up.
Yeah thought that was a little odd myself, probably just to make sure the ones they back on returns were'nt tampered with. But i aint afraid of a little glue ya heard! lol
I tore into that, like a prom dress on prom night kid! :twisted: :lol:

Posted: Mon May 05, 2003 10:52 am
by hogjowlz
its forgivable now that you got rid of the "limpwristed and the queerious" shell.

Posted: Mon May 05, 2003 11:22 am
by kwikbb
:oops: i really need to paint that body... :lol:

Posted: Mon May 05, 2003 11:36 am
by payaso
Oh the possibilities.....
