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Fuck the Hulk

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 8:44 pm
by Finks
Ahh well, this was for the truck comp, but I had my dates all fucked up.

Without further ado...


Ok, where to start. First off most notably, my first tackle at a fade job, oh yeah, and a flame job. Thanks to CD for confiming my game plan on this project. Also took off those damn ugly Hulk arms and puttied her up nice.

Oh yeah and while I was busy w/ these firsts.....



oh and Bumpity Bump


It was so straight forward. Here are some chassis pics and brief ENGLISH explanations. All I did was dremmel the fucker in half along the fairly clear natural line. After that I took out a chunk on each side to make room for the tires when swivled. Once done you use the axel as you swivle point.



I then modded the PCB cover so that it could be pushed up and then chopped a bit off the rear.

Now for the real trick, how to attach the shell. With this shell it was fairly easy IMO. Check it out, all I did was take a stearing magnet from an old Zip and epoxied it to the PCB cover. as for what it attaches to? The screw that holds the light PCB in place!



Well anyhow, kinda bummed that this missed the comp, but that's arite, this was a great project.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 9:24 pm
by BoneyskinX5
Fuck the Hulk

Good job though. Great colors.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 10:56 pm
by steelwoolghandi
That is a truly genius and simple mod and it kicks ass man!!! I like the body killer colors and paint job!! :-o Truly nice job Finks!

Pssst they haven’t locked the contest thread yet…… Wink Wink Nudge Nudge.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 11:26 pm
by micromatch
Fuck the Hulk
oh sh*t better hope namuna doesnt com in here or he will rip YOUR arms of lol J/K

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:11 am
by CaboWabo
Wow dude, that's cool - hard to believe it was a Hulk body before.
Nice job man!
Finks wrote:this was for the truck comp, but I had my dates all fucked up.
You were the kid not really paying all that much attention in class weren't ya? :lol:
I was too. That blows dude, but hey, at least you still got a kick ass truck. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:44 am
by DarkTari
Nice job Finks ! Good to see you experimenting with paint jobs.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 10:36 am
by HirotoR34
Agreed. I like the flame job and the swiveling suspension. I guess I'd better get crackin on something.......Great job Finks!

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:36 pm
by sg219
Great job on the truck!! :-o

Love the paint job.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:52 am
by betty.k
hell yeah, i'm down with that shit! :-o