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all my videos online

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:15 am
by ph2t
Been busy as shit lately, never anytime for nuthin!

here's one of those "best of" posts where I really accompslish nothing new. just thought I'd compile a list of all the videos on my site. time passes on after posting them and I forget at times what I've hosted over the years, lol...

oh well, shit happens....

all the AVIS in the list require DivX, and excellent codec for AVI distribution. get the codec from

please don't rape my bandwidth too hard..... (5.7M)
Some epoch and digimasta 143 action. ... _4cell.avi (0.6M)
Stock Epoch with the Bug turbo installed vs. a 4 cell butotherwise stock Epoch (7.8M)
A day at our favorite templestowe track, some great mini-z video, still one of the best days we ever had there. (5.0M)
My li-poly madforce, cool vid, a fav.... (2.2M)
Speed checker hi-jinks... (9.0)
Another day a the templestowe track, my first project on premier pro, features some good "on-car" camera footage (5.0M) ... deluxe.wmv (1.3M)
These two vids are of my 7.2V li-ion mr-02 with nelly deluxe, betty.k's bitchin' fast mclaren gets a look in as well..... (2.1M)
Nelly deluxe test video, fucken loud! lol.. (2.3M) ... atomic.wmv (3.4M)
Stock XMODS EVO running some hot motors, part of my motor testing on the EVO

Now these video's are really old! Hosted on my older dialup account that I still haven't gotten off my slack arse and cancelled..... (0.8M)
Speed checker hi-jinks, h-plate breaks whilst on the speed checker of all bloody things.... (1.5M)
Early mini-z mr-01 nelly turbo vid, back before I started running just mr02s. As you can see there's about a years difference between nelly development and my ability to drive RC. (0.3M)
Early mini-z madforce video, just the tyres blowig out under full speed (3.5MB)
Early mini-z madforce vid, can't remmember if I running li-po's or just 4 cells here. The video is over a year old! How fucken sad is that!

gotta put some of the old ones up....does anyone have any of my mega old stuff? like 1+ year ago? I can't find some of my really old BCG videos, damn pc crashing crap.....
