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Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:05 am
by SuperFly
Yeah, I got a thang for race cars, and I got a thang for Supras. It's my birthday so I'm sharing. Here's the Team SuperFly/bitPimps/Toyota Racing Development test car.

This is my first car painted entirely with acrylic paint (instead of my usual enamel). Things dry nicely overnight instead of a week. I used all Tamiya paint and clearcoat, with custom decals and some carbon fiber decal on the wing. I cut the circular-shaped swoop mask by cutting around the bottom of a WD-40 can on tape. Tab-lowered, front and rear. Just enough putty and sanding to get rid of all the mold lines, a little carving on the inside so the tires don't rub and shaved the doorhandles.

The acrylic paint allowed me to bang this out pretty quick, so it's gonna be a driver that I don't have to worry about too much. Can't decide if this gets mosfets or dual-cell. Right now it just has one of my few remaining perfection 3.8 motors in it.




Keeping it real. Dig the carbon fiber


Thinking about laying some rubber on this patch of concrete.


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:25 am
by payaso
Fuck yeah man :-o

I've got this thing for orange lately, and that shit looks great.

Ever think about dying some bit wheels to match?

Oh yeah. Happy birthday holmes.

silla :D

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:18 am
by Finks
Yeah man, I've got the orange bug too Payaso. The white and orange are just perfect compliments of each other. But lets not forget the best part of this ride, the DECALES are off the fuckin Hook! The "Superfly" logo on the hood is just the crispest cleanest work I have seen. Oh and the badging on the doors, fuck dude, your best decal work to date. Great job man.

Jeeze, I am not used to seeing 3 (fuck even 2) rides out of your stable in a month, let alone a week. I like it :-o

Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday pimp!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:21 am
by CaboWabo
Man, I woulda never had the balls to try orange and white together. Glad you did, looks friggin tight. Love the race car theme. Following the cars natural lines is right on the money.
Totally digging the painted rims too, as well as the blacked out lights.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:32 am
by crazydave
Yeah man, Orange is definately not my thing, but you pulled it off great. I like how the Orange on the wheels ties it together, and the ring of chrome gives it just enough separation. The decals do look great too. :-o

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:10 am
by Maxximum Attack
That is a sweet ride man, it's like your giving US a B'day present. These rides are flowing, fast and furious. And all are Super Fly :cool:

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:24 am
by steelwoolghandi
Again another piece of flawless work! Great ride and I love the way you worked with the colors! Did your wife get you some chic’s to work in your basement too for your birthday? You are like pushing these rides out! :shock:

Oh and the wheels are tight I am envious of you and how you make standard wheels look so fine! :cool:

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 10:18 am
by DarkTari
Again, Nice work SF as always!

You know I like dem wheels right ? :-o

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:00 am
by hue35
Sweet! Last I saw, it had no decals or clearcoat. Man, that really turned out nice. Beautiful photos, too.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:36 am
by Tuner1989
Damn man, That thing is beatiful Nice job! It looks to be about flawless from the pictures. Love that wheel job too:-o


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 12:10 pm
Thats pimpin that supra has got to be the most bitchin supra i have ever seen.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 12:44 pm
by midget_man1387
sweet shit, SF!!! Is that the original orange the Supra came in?? If so, amazing job matching the wheels to it!!

And that wing.. how did you pull of the carbon fiber?? Do tell.. it's awesome.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 12:47 pm
by MotorGong
Ya know, I'm not particular to Supras, but I'd be proud to have/drive that one anyday.
I see some great modded Supras here, and it's starting to sway my opinion a little.

EDIT: Happy Birthday !!!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 1:22 pm
by SuperFly
Thanks pimps, glad ya like it.

The orange isn't the stock Supra orange, it's a Tamiya color. It's a little brighter, more tangerine, almost flourescent. The stock orange looks duller and more rust by comparison. And the carbon fiber is a decal. I got a sheet of both gold n' black and kind of pewter n' black 1:43 scale carbon fiber decal. It was $8 for the sheet, but I could detail out about 15-20 cars out of one sheet if I was doing hoods and wings, etc.

The custom decals are on Testor's decal paper out of my Canon i960 printer. It's a difficult process to master, and I've burned quite a few sheets of paper figuring it out. Even now I notice differences from one package of paper to the next. My printer is a "bubble jet", which is different than a true "inkjet", and I think that might cause problems on some batches of paper. The bubble jet uses a small electrical charge to shock the ink onto the paper, and it sometimes becomes mottled, depending on how dense the color is and the particular batch of paper.

Also, getting just the perfect amount of clearcoat over the decals, and applying it at the right time is critical. And then you shouldn't allow your trimming of the decal from the sheet to go through a printed area, you need to keep a complete seal around the ink so it doesn't allow water in when you dunk it.


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 1:28 pm
by skylinekid
Danm :eek: Superfly, you and a few other people on this site always amaze and inspire me!!!!!!! Great Job :-o :-o :-o