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'57 "Hooligan"

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:16 pm
by crazydave
I nick named this one "Hooligan", 'cause it just looks like its up to no good.

These Charge-N-Go bodies aren't very accurate, but then neither are the German ones. I thought with a little finnese it could be pretty smooth, and I think I was right.

Shaved off the bottom part of the trim, so its just the top trim line.Tab lowered it, and painted the body ultra flat black. Then I added a lot of hand painted chrome trim, Had some extra Super Bit wheels. I stretched some front Tomy pullback tires over the back, and the Charg-N Go tires in the front. I'm really happy with this one, I think it looks really evil.



Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:48 pm
by Namuna
Awww damn! that flat-black is sweeeeet!

It reminds me of that old assed movie, with the car that was possessed by the devil (or whatever) and went around killin people (because they didn't know how to actually run to the left or right).

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:07 am
by betty.k
if i ever get a real car that's what i'd want it to look like :-o

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:39 am
by frizzen
Nice shoebox chevy! Looks really sweet with the suede paint! And the paint REALLY works using those rims, they look like some Weld racing did a while back.

Is that a cowl hood I see? More pics with more lighting!!!
Namuna, the movie "Christine" ? Featuring a red Plymouth Fury, and a whole bunch of B-rate actors who never made it. A guy buys used car, restores it, gets beaten up and car destroied. At night the car goes out and kills people, then repairs itself and is back to new by morning.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:44 am
by crazydave
frizzen wrote:Is that a cowl hood I see? More pics with more lighting!!!
This body came in 2 slight variations. I believe its the 49mhz with the hood.

I'll see what I can do about the lighting after work today. It should look good in the sunlight, this Spas-Stix chrome paint is really reflective.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:36 am
by Namuna
Christine??!! Come on man, Dave's evil beast ain't no Christine!

No, I found the movie...It's called "The Car" and it was made in 1977:


Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:25 pm
by steelwoolghandi
Love the Rat Rod flat black and less chrome does make it look mean! Nice work man love to see your rides!! :-)

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:27 pm
by crazydave
Here's another pic in the sun. In the sun you can see some red around the edges, you can't even see that in room lighting, weird. Oh well, that's what they made fine tip Sharpies for.


Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:11 pm
by HirotoR34
Awesome ride CD! The flat black makes it quite evil looking. Definitely up to no good. :-o

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:07 am
by ynad
yeah, great ride man. The flat black really sets it.
For quite a while I'm thinking on what to do with that body(i got one too).
Got to think some more...
Great inspiration!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:23 am
Crazy ride Crazy Dave! Yeah it looks like it's inclined to do some unlawful acts or something.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:15 pm
by Murdoch
there's just somethin about that ride that just demands respect. :)

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 8:03 pm
by )3utthead
man i love that car