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Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:23 pm
by MotorGong
DT and SF, I love what you're saying.

I heard Fats Domino is still uncalled for? :(

And now Jesse Jackson is involved? :(
I don't listen to him anyway, so he's not going to change my outlook.

EDIT: I heard somewhere recently that normal civilization is three meals away from anarchy. Very interesting to ponder.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:08 pm
by mikirgra
Oh man, I was feeling like the Lone Ranger there when I first started reading this thread. Right on DT, and SF too.

Rape is whacked, period, in any situation. Now about the looting, who on here has never stolen anything? Never lifted something from a store when you were a kid? What about office supplies? Stealing is stealing. People always have some way of rationalizing it. "The company doesn't pay me enough, so I'm going to take this to make it for it," etc.

Now consider people that just lost everything, and there's little chance of them being able to replace the little they had. Even so, you're still talking about a tiny percentage of the population down there that is partaking in the "looting." But I am a little surprised at the stone throwing going on in this thread.

There's no law in NO right now. Those that are criminally inclined can pretty much do what they want. The people who are just lifting some shit should not lumped in with those committing rape and other viloent acts. Not that I'm condoning the looting, but if I was stuck there, you better believe I'd be looking out for myself and my family. Period. Maybe that stereo could be used as a commodity to trade for food or something? I don't know. Just thinking.

The lack of and slow response of assistance is sickening. Maybe if so many of our National Gaurd weren't over in Iraq fighting the Bush junta's war, there'd be more on the ground in NO.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:09 pm
by CaboWabo
Yea, that's bullshit that it's taken so long to get help to those people.

And the FEMA director said they didn't even know about it until Thursday?!
What in the blue fuck have they been doing? Playing golf? Keeping their heads burried in the sand? Even other countries knew about the situation before FEMA.

Fats Domino has been rescued.

Jesse Jackson is there for nothing but press coverage. He's a fucking snake in the grass.

I find it odd that as soon as the evacuees started asking why the fuck we can't drop food and water there like we do in all these other countries, that's when FEMA was like "Oh... yea, I guess we can do that".
For fucksakes, that didn't occur to them before? Yea, I'd love if you could watch over my well being... fuckin morons.

Another thing that pisses me off is all this shit is New Orleans this, New Orleans that. Mother fucker, there are people in 3 states stranded!

Conditions at the SuperClusterFuckDome are magnified by the number of people, but that's not the only place where people are stranded and left for dead.

I'm embarrassed as all hell that my own country couldn't do a better job protecting and helping it's own people. But yet we're ready to jump all up in some other country to make their life better. What bullshit.

And yea, those are military and they're affraid of looters? Probably not, but I can tell you that if they did just throw in a bunch of armed forces and restored order like we do in other countries... our own country would revolt. They couldn't do it. Citizens across the country would be up in arms about how we're shooting our own citizens - you better believe it.

What a sorry and sad situation.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:10 pm
by payaso
The USA has been fucked for years.... This just puts glasses on the rest of society so they can see it too...

I've felt like this for years. Now the "sheltered" "blind to everything" can see it :-)

The people we should really be feeling sorry for are the people that never saw this as a possible scenario.... Morons...

silla :D

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:47 pm
by mikirgra
Ok, let me throw a few other things out there to stir the pot. You seen the folk on tv that got stuck in NO? Notice anything? Now when a hurricane hits Florida, seems like we get help there pretty quick. A lot of retired white folk live in Florida.

Yeah CW, the folk in Miss and Ala feeling it too. My prayers and dollars for them too.

I'm not saying it's only race. Money plays a factor in it too.

This country is on a fast-track to short-sight itself out of existence. What's happening in NO is no surprise to anyone. It's been known for years that a big one coming to shore there would flood the city. There have been plans on paper for years to fix the levees, reroute the drainage, restore the coastal barrier, etc. Nobody was willing to pay for it though. Now we're ALL gonna pay for it, and it's going to be a helluva a lot more expensive to fix it now then it would have been to fix it before.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:53 pm
by CaboWabo
Well, IMO, that's part of the problem.
NO should be under water. Meaning, the Mississippi river should actually flow right through NO, but we've built levees to guide the river where we want it. Land is actually lost because the river can't take it's natural flow and deposit sediments, change course, etc.

That's what we get for building a damn city between rivers and lakes and ocean, under sea level no less. Who do we think we are? Mother nature proves time and again that our engineering is no match for hers.

It's unfortunate what's happened, but maybe this is the time to step back and look at how much we try to control mother nature and fail. But, that'll never happen, man has too much to prove and huge ego to fill.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:54 pm
by payaso
mikirgra wrote:Ok, let me throw a few other things out there to stir the pot. You seen the folk on tv that got stuck in NO? Notice anything? Now when a hurricane hits Florida, seems like we get help there pretty quick. A lot of retired white folk live in Florida.

Come on man... You're kidding right? Take a stroll through south west Florida, there are still people doing with out from the 4 hurricanes that hit us last year... It's been over a year for some here with out any help...

You think there are any millionares trapped in the Super Dome?

The USA is a fucked hole in the earth, and the sooner people realize it, and make days for them, the better they'll be...

When I say make days for them, I mean, when I leave my house, and go to work, it's "Steve" day everytime. I'm fair, and honest, and that's how I operate. But, if I detect any deception from people towards me, I'll fuckin rob em like a crook.

silla :D

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:53 pm
by BilboBaggins
A columnist in Philadelphia was questioning if the US should rebuild NO or will they.

His reply was they probably shouldn't and they probably will.

I'm thinking maybe they should get a topographical map of the area and find the highest ground near NO and rebuild the city there then demolish the buildings at the current location and make it a lake.

When you have a city that over 80 percent of it is BELOW SEA LEVEL (and sinking more each year) and is the middle of hurricane alley it shouldn't be that shocking that it devistation would happen when a big one hit.

I don't know whose idea it was to build a city like this, but you would think after all these years somebody would think that Mother Nature would unleash something like this and to be prepared for it.

They had a couple of days warning that this was coming. The town should have been cleared out. I can see a few diehards wanting to stick it out, but the city could have been cleared over the weekend before the storm hit. I know hindsight is always 20-20.

Now FEMA should have it's management replaced with a few high school graduates with common sense. It's unbelievable that the college cronies who get to run these things can't seem to be able to think of a solution without it being forced on them. I guess "the Pope" Paul Owens (former GM of the Phillies) was right, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't stick it's fool head in."

Now tell me how can the price of a gallon of gas go up 60+ cents in 36 hours without the stations getting deliveries. Heck the pipeline shortage shouldn't effect the amout the refineries had on hand for a couple of weeks. they probably should have anitipated a hurricane season and had been filled closer to capacity if they knew what they were doing. I wanted to check on Thursday what the price of gas was on the PA turnpike. By some quirk of fate the stations on the Turnpike are only allowed to change the prices once a week. I kidded my wife about going to the Neshaminy rest area and see if it was still $2.60 something like it was over the weekend.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:13 pm
by SuperFly
BilboBaggins wrote:When you have a city that over 80 percent of it is BELOW SEA LEVEL (and sinking more each year) and is the middle of hurricane alley it shouldn't be that shocking that it devistation would happen when a big one hit.

I don't know whose idea it was to build a city like this, but you would think after all these years somebody would think that Mother Nature would unleash something like this and to be prepared for it.
Part of the problem is the destruction of the wetlands on the Gulf Coast that used to act as a buffer. Also, the Mississippi River is a pretty powerful thing that changes as time goes by. Where it flows and the sediment left behind are completely different than it was when N.O. came to be.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 1:19 am
by Stoli
the only thing that pissed me off was seeing people on TV today SINGING to raise money.?? I mean the idea is great but the average fold don;t have enough to make ends meet let alone help someone else. HOW ABOUT THE MILLIONARE SINGERS DONATE 5-10 MILLION to help out.?????????

God forbid they not buy that new diamond or that new bently?

Faith hill sang and did her shit and then went home to her dry 30 million dollar home to watch CNN.

Come on celbrities and billionaires do your share. Kinda sad that Tequina on foodstamps donates 10$ but Faith Hill Donates her time and maby 10,000 dollars??

SO glad I am Canadian. ( no direct offense to Americans ) IF it were for Americans I wouldn't have a job.


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 4:07 am
by betty.k
america should be fucking ashamed of itself. :o

it's disgusting to learn how little was done to prepare for such an event. the levies were inadequate for starters. and how the fuck are all those poor people supposed to evacuate? those buses shoulda been pumping overtime for free before the storm.
and the aid response is even worse. then there's the raping and pilliaging?

usually a natural disaster, as bad as it is, is a very positive thing. it brings out the best in humanity. even 911 brought new yorkers together!
but this is turning out to be an embarrasment. my overall opinion of the situation is the government couldn't give a shit about poor black people. (not that i didn't know it before)

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 5:04 am
by payaso
It's not just a black thing guys... The US don't give a shit about poor people white or black. There are plenty of poor white people suffering too.

silla :D

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 6:40 am
by sessiz
payaso wrote:It's not just a black thing guys... The US don't give a shit about poor people white or black. There are plenty of poor white people suffering too.

silla :D
Well said. :-o

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 6:56 am
by betty.k
that's true. but all the footage of people stranded and suffering features mainly black people while those in shelters that have working facilities are mainly white.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:03 am
by CaboWabo
Unfortunately, most people left behind are on welfare or some sort of government assistance. They literally live paycheck to paycheck (from the government). The storm hit just before the end of the month (when those checks are sent out). Those people didn't have money to gas up and leave, pay for transportation, or pay for a place to stay. A sad fact that for one reason or another, most of those people are black. It's not like they evacuated white people first and then left the others to fend for themselves. It was "everyone for themselves", those that had the resources to get out, did.

And yea, the little guys seem to do more to help these people out than others. You hear of people who aren't "well off" financially donating an entire paycheck to help. You don't hear of any "rich" people doing that. That's always been the case.

You ask someone who is just like the rest of us for $5.00 and most likely you'll get it.
You ask someone who is rich for $5.00 and most likely you ain't getting shit.