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Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:24 pm
by sidewinder
I just had a "talk" with the IRS, they think I made a mistake on last years taxes...they acknowledge that it was a mistake but they want to pile up not only penalties but add interest on top of it...oh, and interest on the penalties too. When I told them there was no way I could pay what they were asking the agent actually suggested that I file bankruptcy on my other debts so that I could pay their fines and penalties...fuck them. They can put me in jail, I will pay what I actually owe, but their piling on goes to the back of the list of thing to pay. Let them try to take the house, they can't sell it for what's owed anymore like I said fuck them. I am tempted to do absolutely nothing, apply for welfare, and then pay them with their own damned check.

Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:02 pm
by Nasphere
that really sucks man... but i don't think you can get welfare if you have your own house. something to research...

Just do yourself a favor and try to "clear up" that mistake with them because the law books are stacked high against someone in your shoes...

I've also got a debt to the govt, and literally am paying it with their money (military). The interest and fees are effing crazy! They almost treat you as bad as a convicted felon!

Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:26 pm
by LexusFman
Nasphere wrote: I'm so sick of having to PAY for other people! I feel that non-profit organizations who help disabled people would spring up 10 fold in an anarchist scene. Instead the govt steps in to forcibly take money from the people WHO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING with their lives, and give it to the people who live poorly, and for some reason those people take it for granted. I think if you have the smarts, and the drive to be the top dog CEO of a company, then goddamn you deserve your $20,000,000 per year! I don't think anyone should have a say in where or how you spend that money, because as the rotation goes, that money ends up back on the market anyway!
That's like saying "I want to buy something from Walmart but the cashier is a bum so you're just going to have to give it to me for free. Don't like taxes? Buy a boat and live in international waters. Taxes are the government's fee for providing government services to you and they can spend their tax money how the country decides. IT'S NOT YOUR DAMNED MONEY! It's everyones. If the country decides giving it to the poor than you can't just say I don't wanna pay anymore! Why should I have to pay to support government workers? Police officers? Firefighters? They should get their own damned money!

Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:57 am
by sidewinder
Wow way to resurrect a dead thread...but since you chimed in;

It is not their god damned money. it is not your god damned money. The government is not acting in the interest of the people, they have been acting extra constitutionally for years. Whatever the Constitution does not authorize the Feds are not permitted to do. period! But do the listen? No, they bribe the lazy and stupid into thinking they have right to what others make. I'm all for helping those who CAN"T help themselves, but as far as those who wont help themselves...fuck them. The best thing they could do for the rest of us is put a bullet through their worthless fucking eyes. And it would be best if they did it before reproducing.

Where the hell do you get off telling someone that the money THEY earn isn't theirs? Just who the fucking hell fed you that shit. I swear we are living in a nation of leaches and retarded hang-down suckers. Do yourself a favor and read Atlas Shrugged...wait, it's a big book without pictures, maybe you should just go see the movie. Oh, and take someone along with you to explain it.

**btw Betty, before you go off about me posting political stuff please note I did not start this...but if you want to ban me so be it. I'm not putting up with retarded fucks anymore no matter who it pisses off.

Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:36 pm
by betty.k
I didn't see nothin'...

Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:21 am
by sidewinder
Thanks...sometimes you just gotta risk pissing off people you like. Not that my rant will make a bit of difference, but it made me feel better.

Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:23 am
by Nasphere
sidewinder wrote:I'm all for helping those who CAN"T help themselves, but as far as those who wont help themselves...fuck them.

I swear we are living in a nation of leaches and retarded hang-down suckers.
Glad we're on the same page lol :-o
LexusFman wrote:If the country decides giving it to the poor than you can't just say I don't wanna pay anymore! Why should I have to pay to support government workers? Police officers? Firefighters? They should get their own damned money!
And they do get their own money. Fines, permits, traffic tickets, court costs, ect. It's all revenue for them. Firefighters are usually volunteers anyway... Govt organizations founded to filter money to the people who refuse or choose not to work are dead to us twofold because not only are you paying the deadbeat, but now everyone is paying the staff who force you to pay them. "leaches and retarded hang-down suckers" - sidewinder

Anyway, I'm done lol. Just trying to set people straight.
sidewinder wrote:if you want to ban me so be it. I'm not putting up with retarded fucks anymore
Ditto :-o

Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:38 am
by LexusFman
I didn't mean to flame anyone. If anyone felt offended by my post I'm sorry. I just hate the notion that every person on welfare is lazy and doesn't work ect. and that their hard earned money is being spent to support bums. There are some people who just sit on there butts and wait for their welfare check but they are the few. And plus it's the money that they gave to the governments! If you actually want legit change in this country then that's different but the only time people seem to care about anything is when THEIR MONEY IS ON THE LINE. Why do you think most people support tax cuts? Even though this country is in 14.9 trillion dollars of debt people still only care about their money. Again I don't mean to offend anyone.

Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:49 am
by Nasphere
I see where you're coming from. There's a slew of govt programs that "help people", and unfortunately, while great in theory, have twisted enough over the years to just become a total waste and dead to even the people who receive.

Just imagine how much responsibility would breed if everyone pays for the services they receive in one way or another (excluding non-obese disabled people).

Which brings me to obesity... Falls right down the alley of the original posting. If the govt can force parents to treat their kids a certain way, then why don't they tell people to LOOSE WEIGHT or EAT HEALTHY (in the form of "no disability for you")? I'm all for doing what you want, but when someone can choose to become fat and collect disability, then loose weight and still collect disability/welfare, that's where I'm not understanding why these programs exist.

Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:59 pm
by sidewinder
I haven't mentioned this here but two weeks ago I suffered a pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis. This cause my heart to enlarge and basically I'm a mess right now. I have put on quite a bit of weight after my big crash ten years ago (in July). Anyway, the blod clots were the result of me being overweight and less mobile (spinal injuries are a bitch) and an intestinal disease that I have been fighting for two years now.

The social worker at the hospital came up (after she found out that I had no insurance I think) and tried to talk me into applying for disability. I have to admit it was tempting, but I told her it might take a while but somehow I would pay my bills like I always have. She called a Social Security person who came in to talk to me...she told me that since I have no living children, and since this was something I could recover from, that it would be unlikley that a finding of disability would be made but I should apply anyway. I told her the same thing I told the hospital chick...I will find a way to pay, no thanks.

The thing that kills me is, I was told that if I hadn't come in when I did I wouldn't be alive now. I am only able to walk short distances and because of a couple complicating factors, I am not supposed to drive right now (I live 20miles from anything). With all of this, you might think that I would qualify (maybe I would...I'm not going to find out for sure while I'm still conscious and able to make decisions) but the bum neighbor who rides his bike every day and plays softball is on SSI??? Something is very wrong with that.

Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:21 am
by LexusFman
That is pretty fked up I'm not gonna lie.

Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:45 am
by Nasphere
Well I apologize if that made you feel bad. I was talking about the people who choose to have those conditions. There are people who choose to live their lives the same way even though they know it's bad, and they make others pay for it. Then there's people who get into accidents or even better, were born with defects. Those are the people who should get disability. Not the people who were absolutely fine, but got fat...

As for your situation, I would suggest trying to eat 'garden foods' and high protein foods to loose weight naturally. It's amazing how people have so many complications from extra weight, and when they switch to good food, they loose the complications along with all the extra weight.

I had a friend who was told he was going to die if he doesn't do something about his weight. Well the doc put him on a strict protein diet (LOTS of fish), and he lost 150lbs in 5 months. He said he feels amazing, like he has a younger body now.

Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:09 am
by sidewinder
No, you didn't make me feel bad. Most of this is my fault, including the accident. I played a high risk sport and it bit me in the ass. It happens. I should have been more active even with the pain, and I knew that.

I really didn't mean to whine, although rereading that post it comes across that way. What I meant to point out is that I find it amazing how many people just lay down and take whatever the government is willing to give them. So many are willing to let others take resposibility for their lives. I really don't get it. I guess it's a case of people having no self respect. I think we are breeding that out of people. I really blame the 'lets not keep score' and the 'everyone gets a trophy' mentality.

Everyone wants a better life for their kids but we have taken things way too far. When you take all risks and chances at failure away you ruin the person. And soon you end up with a whole generation who will blindly follow anyone who tells them they don't have to think for themselves. If the government is feeding you, housing you, paying for your doctor, are they a government or a substitute parent? This nanny state has to stop before it goes any further.

Oh, and yeah, I am working on fixing things...I managed to lose 40lbs before all of this. I remember in the ER I was thinking "sure, try to live better and this is what happens." :lol:

Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:57 am
by Nasphere
sidewinder wrote:If the government is feeding you, housing you, paying for your doctor, are they a government or a substitute parent? This nanny state has to stop before it goes any further.
Does military count? They do all that for us :lol: :oops:
sidewinder wrote:Oh, and yeah, I am working on fixing things...I managed to lose 40lbs before all of this. I remember in the ER I was thinking "sure, try to live better and this is what happens." :lol:
40lbs is awesome! 8) I'm no doctor but it's nice to see healthy people living healthy lives.

You sure are right about the trophy thing! "everyone is special, everyone is a winner in their own way"... no, not really lol. You don't see trailer park king over there with a college education, a good paying job, a nice car, and a super model hanging off his arm. It's sad.

Another topic (probably touchy to most people) is abortions. People don't realize that the majority of people saw a gory abortion video in elementary school. Well HOLY CRAP, if I show little kids a gory video of tonsils being removed, and how much blood tries to go down the throat, they will do anything to not have that operation for the rest of their lives. I hate how religion controls propaganda in this country. A woman gets put under, she wakes up and her belly is empty. Whoa, so gory... not... Either way, use birth control if you don't want to have a kid, period.

Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:31 pm
by sidewinder
Nasphere wrote:
sidewinder wrote:Oh, and yeah, I am working on fixing things...I managed to lose 40lbs before all of this. I remember in the ER I was thinking "sure, try to live better and this is what happens." :lol:
40lbs is awesome! 8) I'm no doctor but it's nice to see healthy people living healthy lives.

You sure are right about the trophy thing! "everyone is special, everyone is a winner in their own way"... no, not really lol. You don't see trailer park king over there with a college education, a good paying job, a nice car, and a super model hanging off his arm. It's sad.
Yep 42 down...140 or 150 to go :sad:

One problem I have with abourtion is the Feds regulating it. This really should be a state by state issue. I do believe no one should abort, but I think that's between the mother and her God (or conscience). I never really thought about it much until we had a girl that worked at our club who bragged about having ten abortions--actually I'm amazed she was able to concieve that many times--she got pregnant on purpose while she was there and then aborted it to hurt her "boyfriend" who she knew wanted a kid more than anything. Yeah, she was psycho, but still.

The biggest problem I have now is that the guy (who does have a vested interest after all) has no say. If a guy could sugn a paper saying I want out so if you carry to term I have no resposibility, then I'd say it was fair. But as the law is now it gives the woman the power to hold the guy hostage for 18 years or to kill his child (or at least potential child). There is a real inequity there.