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Oh shit, not another hurricane

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:51 pm
by Tuner1989

Doesnt look good, all you florida pimps get ready ive already started stockpiling water etc. Got a hotel reservation too but i dont think its far enough if the storm keeps up this amount of power.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:35 pm
by synj
Yeah.. my dad works for the news and has to go to every hurricane in the Southeast. We live in Alabama... not hit that bad but it sucks cause my dad has to leave once or twice a month. He also got stuck in New Orleans because of marshall law after Katrina hit.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 1:04 pm
by skylinekid

Wish me luck in surviving this biotch :-)

I'll keep you guys updated, as it stands now its a catagory 4 and HEADING STRAIGHT FOR ME, in Sarasota FL!!!!!!! :(

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:29 pm
by payaso
skylinekid wrote:IT'S COMMING STRAIGHT FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wish me luck in surviving this biotch :-)

I'll keep you guys updated, as it stands now its a catagory 4 and HEADING STRAIGHT FOR ME, in Sarasota FL!!!!!!! :(

Not to be an ass, but that's perfect. Just don't let that bitch come north to St.

Seriously though, I hope it misses us all together. If it hits you, it's hittin here too.

silla :D

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:42 pm
by Tuner1989
Palm harbor here!

Stay safe everyone!

From the news it looks like it will be a cat 3 when it comes to land and i shouldnt be here until monday. But hey what do they know, there always wrong you cant know for sure.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:35 pm
by CaboWabo
You know what it is right?
It's Mother Nature.
She's pissed at humans because we've come up with all these pills that make people live longer. Those people (old people) move to Florida and now that state is over flowing with people who were, according to Mother Nature, supposed to be dead like 10 years ago.
So she's coming in and cleaning house.
She's like "make all the pills you want, you ain't got a pill for this!"
And then suddenly, within 1 year - this countries Medicare, Social Security, and the rest of it is amazingly back on track.
So, see, Mother Nature is just helping us.

The End. :lol:

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:46 pm
by sessiz
CaboWabo wrote:You know what it is right?
It's Mother Nature.
She's pissed at humans because we've come up with all these pills that make people live longer. Those people (old people) move to Florida and now that state is over flowing with people who were, according to Mother Nature, supposed to be dead like 10 years ago.
So she's coming in and cleaning house.
She's like "make all the pills you want, you ain't got a pill for this!"
And then suddenly, within 1 year - this countries Medicare, Social Security, and the rest of it is amazingly back on track.
So, see, Mother Nature is just helping us.

The End. :lol:

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:26 pm
by sg219
I'll ditto that. :-o

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:17 pm
by Tuner1989
CaboWabo wrote:You know what it is right?
It's Mother Nature.
She's pissed at humans because we've come up with all these pills that make people live longer. Those people (old people) move to Florida and now that state is over flowing with people who were, according to Mother Nature, supposed to be dead like 10 years ago.
So she's coming in and cleaning house.
She's like "make all the pills you want, you ain't got a pill for this!"
And then suddenly, within 1 year - this countries Medicare, Social Security, and the rest of it is amazingly back on track.
So, see, Mother Nature is just helping us.

The End. :lol:
Dont even get me started on all those old people that move down to florida from up north. Especially when it comes to their driving :o

Mother nature is pissed at something all right.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:18 pm
by skylinekid
I lived, just got my power back, how are you guys :-)

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:08 am
by Tuner1989
skylinekid wrote:I lived, just got my power back, how are you guys :-)
Same here, wasnt bad near me we just had huge amounts of wind.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:44 am
by sessiz
Yeah I lived through it too. It was kinda scary and whatnot but I was brave and didn't cry not once. :-o

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:56 pm
by beanoman
sessiz wrote:Yeah I lived through it too. It was kinda scary and whatnot but I was brave and didn't cry not once. :-o
Yeah, me too.. Well I cried a bit, but not all that much. Just a little bit. Really.

Upstate NY and Ohio.. :???:. lol.


Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:53 pm
by pimpsmurf
Payaso, you from St. Pete? Shit dawg I'm from 22nd Ave South. The Burg don't play bra!


Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:44 pm
by payaso
pimpsmurf wrote:Payaso, you from St. Pete? Shit dawg I'm from 22nd Ave South. The Burg don't play bra!


You're kidding right? I live 2 blocks from that on 54th Ave south.

I took cabo to 22nd ave south to show him the "hood" he wasn't happy when I let some guy get in the car....lmao

You on the gulfport side? We need to race.

silla :D