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Other Hobby Boat Building

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 7:05 pm
by steelwoolghandi
I have built many a model in my time but this is my first all wood ship or boat model. I think the steam ships are so cool looking and so this one had to be my first.

I have been working just about every night on this thing now and I have all the decks on and the pilothouse finished I just need to attach it (its just sitting there right now). After I get the details done on the decks then the real work begins.

I have yet to Rig the lines for the smokestacks and the steam stacks, then I have the poles and front rigging for the flag and gangplank supports that’s not going to be simple.

This is just a static model but it’s getting me ready for my wood RC boat. I bought a 2-foot RC wood boat model off of eBay and it’s a fishing trawler. I will have to build it from the ground up and it even has planking on the sides. The cool thing is its combining my to favorite things boats and RC! :grin:

Ok now for some more pictures:

Detail of pilothouse it has a little captain in it with a big wheel (sorry its real small so hard to see.