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Mini Z diffs suck ass

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:50 am
by payaso
What the fuck? They are complete rubbish. I read all these posts about peoples stock diffs shitting the bed, and then my friends goes south. Mine shit the bed in under 2 weeks.

I have to say that, as much as I love this little car, it's nothing compared to any of my others. My OL seems like it was built by a complete different company next to my 02.

Now I guess I gotta drop the coin to get the Kyosho ball diff just to get it running normal again?

silla :D

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 9:41 am
by MafiaS
I learned the hard way...I found a hobby shop near by that had the ball diff in stock, and picked it up right away.

now let me tell you the car runs about 150 times better, and smoother.

Like superfly once told me, don't waste your time with Kyosho's diff...

Spend the coin, it makes a difference.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:26 am
by SuperFly
MafiaS wrote:Like superfly once told me, don't waste your time with Kyosho's diff...

Spend the coin, it makes a difference.
That was, "Don't waste your time on something else, spend the extra on the Kyosho." For $8-$10 more, it's just the best.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:14 pm
by MafiaS
Thank you for the correction! That's what I meant to say lol

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:51 pm
by payaso
Oh, I'll be gettin it (cause it seems like if I don't, I just wasted my money on the car). It just sucks. I guess I just expected too much from these little guys. They're a blast to drive, and tinker with, but they don't seem to be that durable. (unless you're racing indoors)

And the fact that the good diff is almost 1/3 the price of the entire car is gay. That puts em right in line with 1/10 and 1/8 prices.


silla :D

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:08 pm
by SuperFly
Naw, you're alright Payaso. That diff is the most expensive and most important upgrade you'll need to make. Everything else is cheaper and less important. I can see how driving them on an unprepared surface could cause some problems, but it's a tradeoff. They wouldn't be as good on a track if they made it a lot more durable, just look at an xmod to see. No different than if you tried to haul ass in a Ferarri down a road full of potholes.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:27 pm
by payaso
I see what you're saying.. We do race on a somewhat prepared surface. It's real nice, and finished concrete. No lips, bumps, or holes. It's the grit that gets in there.

Other than being able to take a corner, it performs quite well.

It just bums me out. I'll be gettin it, but they're gettin an ear

The Kyosho rep on the phone actually said they make no difference. lol

Thanks for the info dude.

When I do get it, I'll whip you, and hues asses with a quickness... I'm bad like

silla :D

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:00 pm
by hue35
payaso wrote:When I do get it, I'll whip you, and hues asses with a quickness... I'm bad like
Now we're fuckin' talkin'... bring that shit. :-o Last time SF and I drove with others, we were like Mario Andretti and Ronnie Peterson in '78.

...we took turns being Mario, which is also what she said.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:37 pm
by SuperFly
hue35 wrote:Last time SF and I drove with others, we were like Mario Andretti and Ronnie Peterson in '78.
The surprising part was they invited us back...

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:27 am
by betty.k
only essential upgrades you face is tyres, bb's, diff and oil shock.
the rest is just gravy.

and yes, these little bitches will cost you 1:10 prices if you let them. i can confidently say i've poured more cash into my 02 than both of my 1:10's combined! :shock: