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Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:36 pm
by Namuna
What do you guys think about outlining cars, for a more ‘realistic’ look?

I recently picked up a 005 (.20mm) black marker and outlined a couple of ZZ bodies (ones I don’t give a crap about). I don’t know, I’m not particularly impressed but I’m not disappointed either.

What do you guys think about Outlining? I’ll post up some pics tonight.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:50 pm
by CaboWabo
personally, I'm not huge on it. but I've seen a few cars that actually do look good with it.
my personal preference is if it's used, it should be used sparingly. I don't think it looks good when every line is outlined, but sometimes things like tail-lights or hood vents look better with it.
guess it's really subjective.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:50 pm
by Finks
Depending on t he color of the car I like it, but wouldn't do it w/ marker. I used a tecnique that I think Hugh tought me. Take testors black paint, delute it w/ thinner (I do approx 75% paint 25% thinner) and then get a bit on your smallest brush, let it run the lines and dry for a couple of seconds, then blot away the over flow. Keep on doing this till you get teh desired look.

Here is an example


Course it's all due to personal taste, but I tend to preffer it.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:39 pm
by hue35
I think that a strong opaque black is too much for most applications. Using a wash is way more subtle and looks a lot better than strong black. Also, the lighter the car, the lighter the wash should be... also, it should be tinted in the same color range. The idea is to emphasize a shadow color, not black.

If it's done right, it looks great... if it's just a "fill in the panel lines with black", I'd say leave it alone.... though the black will look great on darker colors.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 9:43 pm
by Namuna
Good stuff guys, thanks.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:16 am
by SuperFly
One thing that wasn't mentioned yet-

When you get your wash made, get a shitload on the brush , and just touch the tip of the brush to the edge of the body where the panel line runs off the edge of the car, or in a corner where panel lines cross. Capillary action will draw the thinned out wash down the panel line for you, so you don't have to risk wavy lines by trying to brush it in.