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I am pissed.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 9:27 pm
by TMP
Sorry guys, im so angry at this i just gotta vent. maybe you can help me.

After working so hard on moding my first dual cell bit, ive had a bunch of problems, after working for almost 2 hours i fixed it up, and it was ready for play. i go to put the body on and its not going on too well, it usually has no trouble with the dual cell inside it (modded accord wagon) Well i push a little harder and snap.... just like that, my car is Fing ruined. The rear tab snaps off and the heatsink will no longer hold the engine down.. i tried a bunch to fix it, but to no avail. Im so pissed and disturbed at the time i spent on that little POS clone. Now its junk. Its like when you were a kid playin with legos, you had build the greatest piece of art and you push too hard and they explode. made me never wanna play with legos again.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 9:35 pm
by CaboWabo
aight, peep this - that happened to me too once.
I did fix it.
okay yea, it is fixable, now...

when that shit snaps, it's usually a clean snap. that's what mine did on 2 different chassis.

so, I got marks left where it snapped off - I got the piece that snapped off - I got super glue.

the rest fell in to place.
glue that piece back on.

if you have to, take an existing chassis and an old credit card or something similar, measure out the size of that tab on the plastic.
cut it out.
re-glue it.

believe me, this is fixable.

and another note... no matter if it's related to your problem or not.
when dual celling, if you're like me, you like to stuff and hide wiring and make it look as clean as possible.
sometimes you end up squishing the pcb on top of all the shit inside...
and sometimes that'll cause you problems.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 9:39 pm
by TMP
i did try superglue, but this clone body is cut tight, and i could never get the tab to glue strong enough, or straight enough. what kind of superglue do you suggest?

Edit* Ive got the general store super glue, it instantly bonds skin. it doesnt seem to want to dry on plastic, atleast while the clip is in place.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 9:44 pm
by CaboWabo
:shock: not strong enough?
you pushin down on this thing like the terminator or what :???: :lol:

anyway, here's what I use...
or the glue or epoxy here:

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 9:47 pm
by TMP
yeah, as i said... these clone`s, be it the chassis or the body are very cheap and cut badly, its very difficult to remove the body and the same way when it goes on. aight, im going into the workshop to have one more go at it.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 9:50 pm
by CaboWabo
put the back in first and snap it on from the front.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 10:00 pm
by TMP
CaboWabo wrote:put the back in first and snap it on from the front.
lol, i dont think you can put it on the wrong way (front first, Xmod style) i think it just doesnt fit. but anyway..... i went down and glued on the tab, looks like it went on straight and its not showing any signs of drying yet, so i think ill wait over night. On a sight note i glued a pretty lookin blower on the hood, i hope it turns out ok.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 10:04 pm
by CaboWabo
yup, best to leave it for awhile to fully set.
if you gots some accelator to spray on it, it'd help.

at least you killed 2 birds with one stone (huffin glue) lol

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 8:08 am
by crazydave
Well a couple things about this, first off, did you fix the problem that caused the tab to snap off in the first place? Yeah I know, obvious question, but sometimes you have to ask these things.

This fix is more than likely not going to as strong as stock, so not only do you have to fix the problem, but totally eliminate it, so there's no extra stress on the tab at all.

Secondly, super glue, it works great if you use it properly. First off, you absolutely cannot reposition it, not even a split second later. Just stick it, and if you get it wrong, pull it off, let it dry, sand off the old stuff, and try again.

And also for something with a small contact patch like a tab, I use excessive amounts of glue, which softens up the plastic, and bonds really good, but you really have to let it dry over night.

Also I use a gel, which is the equivelent of a thick hobby grade CA, that lets me glob it up more, but it dries slower, increasing the need for an extended drying time.

It is fixable, I've got several cars with mended back tabs. All are holding up.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 8:23 am
by TMP
well i checked it this morning, and the heatsink snapped in and fit perfectly. but when i went to put the body on, it snapped right off again. I also use the gel, it comes in a tiny squeeze tube. looks like the body is too tight, so maybe ill try sanding the body clips or if that doesnt work, ill just mount the body high like a truck (ive done this before with foam tabs that grip on the side. I just didnt want this to be a truck...

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 8:38 am
by Finks
TMP 2 things I would consider. 1st if this tab keeps on giving you problems, I would take Cabo's advice and shave it all off the do the credit card "L" tab. That will give you a much larger surface area to glue w/ and hopefully give you much better longetivity. 2ndly I would possibly look at the slots on the shell and maybe loosen it up a bit cuz it seems there is already a ton of tension there. Just my $.02

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 12:50 pm
by z-beam
you can also cut back the tab, be savage and sand back the moter housing a couple of mm. grab an old clone or a bit race and saw off the moter housing back plate with the tab attached, sand it back and stick it onto your good chassis. dont use superglue on stress points, it creates a crystaline bond and shatters easy, get some hobby plastic glue like testors that "welds" the plastic together. hope that helps!!!