How to: window tint

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How to: window tint

Post by irish-bit-boi »

Well, I know theres the black electric tape way, and the spray paint way . Well, I came up with teh easiest and fastest way to do it (so far anyways). Get one of those black paint markers you find at walmart, don't have to be anything special. I took mine and painted teh outside of the windows, well, when it dries, its very dull looking color and bubbles don't make it beautiful, so I painteed teh inside instead. When it was dry, it looked really glossy from da inside of da windows. It took about 5 secondds too. I used it on a test body, and I don't think I would reccomend sharpies or any kind of marker because they leave visible streaks. This was very very easy adn it looks good also. hope this help the fewllow pimps out. Later

-ibb 8-)
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Post by riceboi077 »

I dont tint my windows, period. But this sounds like a nice way to do it. However, there's a way you can COLOR tint your windows:

1.Get a marker

2. Get some small pieces of paper

3. Color the paper with your marker

4. Tape it on the inside of the shell^^

Ingenious eh? Well, it's mad basic. Let's see your ride!

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