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Smallest bit ive ever seen! i have got to make one of these!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 4:59 pm
by Sporttracguy
Check it out, i was crusing around the net and came upon this tiny r/c car. Believe it or not it has full function right, left, forward, revers and it can spin! From what i can tell it has two motors (front and back) and no gears. one front and one opposite rear tire is friction driven by the motor shaft so all of the wheels have to be on indipendant free spinning axles. Both motors go forwared the bit goes forward,, one left and one right and it will spin, a little on one and more on the other and it will turn. The chassis is the PCB! pretty cool huh.

I decided the best way to start this was to rip apart a cheap tank i had. the tank has two motors and the remote is set up like most bits where it has a forward, revers, right and left (instead of two forwards and two reverses like some tanks have) when i hit turn it just cuts a little power to one of the motors to make it turn so i figure it should be perfect for this bit.

I dont have tires quite as tiny as they do so im using 4 smaller front tires from bits. It may be a little larger than this one pictured but its still going to be freaking tiny.

and here is what my desk looks like at the moment, what a mess

and this should be a link to a little video of the above car in action: ... ro-car.avi


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:14 pm
by stagg
I'd suggest, to cut down on Weight, is if you have any ZZse batts, to Use one of the two in the little pack. Since those batts are about... 3/5ths smaller then normal bit batts. Plus it'd save space.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:32 pm
by Finks
Oh wow, now this is fuckin cool. Even cooler is the average person would have just linked the RC, you are gonna fuckin duplicate it! Any ideas on what shell?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:43 pm
by Sporttracguy
Of course im going to try and duplicate it! :cool: With my own little spins one way or another. Honestly i have no idea what to use for a body yet though. I think im going to raid the toy store tonight and find something with close to the correct measurements,, better to find a body now so i can tweak the axles to fit correctly rather than fooling around with it after they are mounted. The body is goign to be the hard part i think

So far i have both of the axles with all 4 wheels free spinning on their own but i cant do much more than that until i find a body for it


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:10 pm
by blindrider3
Isnt that Namuna's?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:15 pm
by Finks
Oh, one more thing, take a lot of pictures. This looks too cool.

Real Dumb question, but do any of you think this would be possible with a normal Bit PCB?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:15 pm
by Sporttracguy
Honestly i dont now who origionaly built it but i would like to know. I found it on ... roWrld.htm

Great little design :-o


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:16 pm
by Finks
That is Namu's site if I am correct? :???:

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:24 pm
by CaboWabo
That is Namuna's site, he be in our Links.

That little r/c you posted looks like it's probably damn near same size as this little pen rc, but cooler. ... php?t=5182

Might be a source for a body er sumfin' though.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:24 pm
by sessiz
I remember that car, vaguely. :???:
That is namsies site so he should be able to shed some more light.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:30 pm
by Sporttracguy
yeah, i had one of those pen RC cars and it was cool for a few minutes but then i got bored with it. The problem was that it would go straight forward and to turn you hit reverse and the front axle would pivot to turn. I liked this because it can steer right or left in forward and reverse.

I doubt a normal bit pcb would work as well if at all. You need to be able to control two motors (front and back) and our bits only do one. The steering wires would be pretty much useless unless you could figure out how to re wire them. With the tank pcb i have it already compensaates for turning by just giving one motor a little less juice or if i just hit right or left it will only spin that motor. I was bored with the tank and i think it only cost me a few bucks on ebay so if it works i think it will be a nice trade.

As for who made it, im not sure,,,There is a link below it that is supposed to go to a japanese site but it no longer works

Ill get lots of pics. So far to make the axle i used a set of axles from a die cast car i took the wheels from on another project. I then cut each in half so each wheel has its own axle and glued them into a WD-40 straw to form the axle (those straws are good for all sorts of things lol)

Something like this:
you have to make sure you dont glue the wheel to the tube, it needs to spin freely


Re: Smallest bit ive ever seen! i have got to make one of th

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:38 pm
by hue35
Sporttracguy wrote:and here is what my desk looks like at the moment, what a mess
Dude, this doesn't even come close to being considered a mess.
I'll edit this post later with a pic of my work table...
D-muthafuckin'-zassta, by comparison...
you actually look to be neat and tidy, I'd say.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:39 pm
by Namuna
No light to shed man. :-?

The pics came from a Japanese site (link is on the same page as the pics on my site), I never was able to get any info cause the page didn't have anything else but the pics. It's been like over 2 years since I put that up, and the link to the jap site is dead now.

It's almost friggin like an X-Files episode man, some dude makes something that's like a big evolutionary step in the world of micro rc, but nobody has any info and now it's pretty much a dead thing. :sad:

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:45 pm
by Sporttracguy
Well if i can i plan to bring the idea back to life,, we will see, it could be a big flop :shock: or it could turn out really cool :eek: only time will tell,, that and if i can find a good body to use lol


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:48 pm
by Finks
Another dumb question, ok the friction method looks to be the shit, but why not just do the same thing but directly mounting the 2 opposing wheels onto the motors axle?