Ok the biggest RC ive ever had was a Xmod, but i found this on Ebay and decided it might be a good first 1:12 scale truck for me. Its suppose to go about 15.5 MPH yeah pretty slow compared to the trucks you pimps are use to but its good enough for me. I brought a silver one for $25.50 should get it in about a week. I cant wait to see what all i can do with it..........
Yeah but im sure i can find somthing to do with it. O and if im getting robbed then this guy on ebay might as well be gettin shot cause hes got a $70 bid on the same truck its just red.
Get on ebay, get yourself a traxxas stampede setup. Cheap, durable, pretty quick, and it's probably my favorite r/c I've ever owned. It is without a doubt the best starter truck for someone.