Mini T Pro issues...

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Mini T Pro issues...

Post by pimpsmurf »

I got sad because I'm waiting on H8 parts, and I broke my brand new MLST, and my Mini Z monster is sold, and I got ants in my pants and decided to go get a mini-t pro.

Wouldn't you know it? I couldn't even finish a 2 cell lipo run without trashing the diff. (upgraded 1900mah lipo to 12ga wire! haha! It was all I had...)

I have no clue what I did, how I did it, or what went wrong. The left rear diff cup has come completely out of the diff outdrive. At first, I thought I lost a screw or something, but the parts explosion doesn't show anything there. Yet the outdrive has threads in it... Also, the outdrive has a spring (I assume it is to keep the dogbones pushed outward. What am I missing here? I just don't get it. If anyone knows what is going on, I would appreciate some help.

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Location: on vacation in Vaporville

Post by payaso »

Yeah, there's a spring to push the dog bone out, but it's possible the threads came out. The diffs in these little things are usually the first to go.

My RC18B has about 40 min run time, and I've already rebuilt the diff in the rear.

Easy on the trigger bud.

silla :D
payaso...... :)

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