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Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 11:19 am
by Maxximum Attack

Why is it that you HAVE to put the silver paint on LAST? The masking ALWAYS takes it off. I forgot about that :(. Now I have to hope for the best all over again.

I'm going to put the White on now. When i take off the masking i'll see what can happen


Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 11:36 am
by Maxximum Attack
Spring break supra is OVER. My cuz just stepped on it while it was drying from the pre wash.

I'll post pics in a minute

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 11:45 am
by Maxximum Attack

Here she is :(

I'm still gunna waste my paint on her. But its over :(. She served her purpose; let me try cutting out the windows to lighten the body. I didn't fore see it being stepped on :(

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 12:55 pm
by DarkTari
I don't have any lil ones runnin around but ALL my paint jobs go on the
top shelf outta the way of ANY destruction. You should've seen that one
coming Pimp :cool:

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:06 pm
by HirotoR34
Amen, I make sure that my shells are way, way outta the way. Have you tried bonding the broken peice or peices back on? Adhesive technology is pretty good nowadays ....... :???:

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 3:43 pm
by crazydave
Maxximum Attack wrote:I OFFICIALLY HATE SILVER.

Why is it that you HAVE to put the silver paint on LAST? The masking ALWAYS takes it off. I forgot about that :(. Now I have to hope for the best all over again.
You don't put silver on last, you put on first. It's high metal content makes it good opaque base, and it'll make all those metallic, pearl and candy colors jump out.

Besides, you lay the lighter colors first, silver would be on the lighter end of the spectrum.

I love silver.;)

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 7:47 pm
by Maxximum Attack

Can today be any worse?

Well after the whole crushed car incident i decided I'd still go ahead and throw a drizzle of paint on it to see 'what if'. The the white paint was all hard and flying out the can like your ass after a whole day of left over curry. No worries tho, I was gunna trash it any way.

Here it is:


I used the paint program and added the circle and #7 also added a little black to the back.

Now onto what else went wrong...

1) I'm finally running my newly li-ion'd xmod and all of a sudden... it only turns left. From the time i turn it on the wheels do like this \ \ . So I said ok no problem i'll just recenter the servo. So, while still outdoors, i recentered the servo. Put everything back together plug in my batts and...... \ \ :? . So i adjusted the trim on the controler to counter this thorn in my ass. It kinda worked. So i'm running my car (after 45 mins and I still haven't seen it at full throttle) then the WHEEL flies off. SHIT what next.

2) I gone for my damn cyar now, i pick it up and now i smellin' something funny. Next thing i know my car sizzling and a bunch'a rasshole. Purple smoke comming from de fucking car. so I unplug the batts before dum explode in my rassshole hand.

Now my brother laffin' at me, asking me if i dun now (meaning with RC's)? And honestly I dont know. I can't afford to start over man. and It's too expensive to go 1:10. so i aint know......

end rant

Re: The day every BLOODCLAT ting went wrong[Spring break Sup

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 7:52 pm
by Maxximum Attack
Maxximum Attack wrote:Wish me luck. :-)
next time(<--big IF) i'll just do it and post pics like all the other times

I'm out

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 10:10 pm
by backdrift
SP31L CH3CK S4V3Z L1F3Z!!11!!one!!1

Sorry dude, bad chain of events eh?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 12:11 am
by betty.k
backdrift wrote:SP31L CH3CK S4V3Z L1F3Z!!11!!one!!1
go listen to a beenie man cd, dat 'ow dem speak in de islands :-)

well, i always say. if you're gonna do something then go it fucking hard!
to the maxx dude!!!! :eek:

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 1:07 am
by SuperFly
Yeah, when my bodies start going down that path, then they're the "racers", and end up being the cars I drive the most. Then when it's really done, you can just throw it in the garbage and know it had a good life.

As far as the silver paint thing, maybe try some less tacky masking tape. The Tamiya tape is pretty good, but I often use the blue masking tape for house painting.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 8:22 am
by Maxximum Attack
betty.k wrote: go listen to a beenie man cd
I just may do that.
So i was lying in bed cooling off, and i deduced that i fried my fets. But why was my steering spazing? Do i need a management board?

setup: li-ions, S2 blue. (didn't think that would harm my car)

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 3:28 pm
by betty.k
i have a feeling one of the wires to the servo pot has broken, just a guess.

hey maxx, reckon you can find a copy of "dancehall queen"? :eek:

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:09 pm
by Maxximum Attack
dancell queen the song or the movie?

I'll check for the wire. Its possible cuz i did a rush job swapping the driveshaft at the last minute. But its very possible seeing what else happened that day.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 8:17 am
by betty.k
the song. :-)

before you remove your mask run your hobby knife along the edge to be sure it doesn't take the paint with it.