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Micro-T BRP Classic Hauler vs. Parma Classic Truck Bodies

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:37 pm
Parma Custom Classic Truck #60103

BRP Classic Hauler #712

The BRP is substantially thicker than the Parma and stock Losi bodies.

The BRP has detail the Parma has stickers. Makes the Parma nice for one-color amateurs like me, unfortunately when the trucks are sitting side by side the Parma looks sort of flat and cheap, while the BRP just looks like I screwed up trying to paint the grill.

Stickers and Mask
The BRP came with clear window and grill mask, while the Parma came with window, tail light, grill & headlight, stickers. It also came with green and yellow flames but…anyway the grill sticker looks nice unfortunately the tail lights and windows are sort of off color cheap looking.

The Parma fits perfectly, the BRP looks great in the front but slightly off in the rear like it needs to be moved forward to line up the wheels, unfortunately that simple solution won’t work because the motor sits right up against the body.

Personal preference, but for me even with the rear fender/wheel hole problem and my grill painting inadequacies the BRP Classic Hauler is just hands down a better looking truck.

Because of the rear wheel wells and amateur friendly way to paint/mask, or just plain sticker the grill they seem about dead on even to me. However if BRP was to correct/reposition the rear fenders/wheel holes and include some sort of grill & headlight sticker, decal, or multi layered grill & headlight masking system I would gladly pay $5 more and still consider it the better value.

Not finished with the Parma, seems to want some sort of decoration but not sure what so I haven’t applied the final clear coat step of the three part Dupli-Color Red / Blue Mirage paint kit yet. BTW it looks better in person, especially when moving, than in photos taken with my somewhat antiquated digital camera. Also it’s painted on the outside, tried the inside first but it muted the color change so I went ahead and redid it on the outside.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:11 am
by Tana
Nice write up!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:50 am
by crazydave
Ahh man. You beat me to it. Got the Parma body coming in the next couple days.:lol:

The Parma fits perfectly, the BRP looks great in the front but slightly off in the rear like it needs to be moved forward to line up the wheels, unfortunately that simple solution won’t work because the motor sits right up against the body.
Totally agree with that. What I was gonna do is when I get an extended chassis, I was just going to move the rear hole back, and cut out the tailgate. That would kinda suck from the back, but the front and sides will look right.

Also I'd like to note, I really don't like how low the BRP body sits. I don't feel this particular body style looks right sitting down between the wheels.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:29 pm
crazydave wrote:... Also I'd like to note, I really don't like how low the BRP body sits. I don't feel this particular body style looks right sitting down between the wheels.
I just swapped the bodies to see what the Hauler looked like with stock tires instead of the blue aluminum rims and Datona rubber, and have to agree without the street tires it looks sort of odd. :???: