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Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 10:55 pm
by noxorc
oh yea... that's a race track.

Looks like a lot of fun.


Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 8:29 am
by laanguiano
The Materials:
4' X 8' cut down to 4' X 6' piece of Hardboard. 1/4" thick
1 can of Rust-Oleum Chalkboard Paint. (Brush; Not spray kind)
1 Adjustable Circle Making tool
1 Hot Glue Gun w/ glue sticks
5 Plastic Strips - 12' Long and 3/4" Tall (I forgot what they are actually used for.

I got everything at Lowes.. Home depot has everything too except for the circle tool. I used the whole can of paint (Covered 4' X 8' area). I used brush paint for better traction.. and it helps. There is debate if chalboard paint is better than flat paint. I havent compared, but I do know that chalkboard worked and works really well with my Phast Motor in it. Amazingly no sliding or loss of traction at all. Circle Making tool was worth it! My school compass could only make 6" diamater circles, but this device can make up to like 4' circles, or even as big as 12 foot if you buy a longer 1/2 in rod. Also the glue gun worked well. Since it was thin hardboard, I couldnt really use nails, or screws. The gluegun though is holding it down really firm, and only is seen on the backside of the rails.

Thats some info... Ill give more detail later.. or if u ask ill give ya some more. :) Come on down to Texas and we be a racing.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 2:20 am
by SilentWolv
Nice job Laanuiano. Looks like it'd be fun to race on. Better job on your "s"es than the Turkey Hill Track, though Turkey is a pretty cool track too.

Was Hogjowls naming your track T-BONE ?


Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 8:08 am
by laanguiano
Silent wolv,

Im not for sure what he meant by that t-bone. We are going to have to have Hog give us an official answer to that one.

You out there Hog... let us know.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 10:05 am
by crazydave
I'll let Hog give his official word, but I would have to guess he was reffering to your intersection on your track, and cars getting T-boned.