You just have to see this.

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You just have to see this.

Post by sidewinder »

I wasn't quite sure where to put this, I was looking at ebay for 1/4 scale stuff and I saw an add that linked me to this: It's a 1/4 scale semi :shock: ...14.8ft long, 3ft high and 1.8ft wide, built by a guy in the Netherlands. It will carry three people on the trailer, and he has now adapted it to hold a jet engine like our jet dragsters.:twisted:

I just tried the link at the bottom of his page, it's not in English, but it's worth the click. ----------->holy crap, click this!


Last edited by sidewinder on Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: You just have to see this.

Post by Murdoch »

okay.. that is just beyond cool.
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Re: You just have to see this.

Post by sidewinder »

Aint it though...that makes me want to build something like that soooo bad. I mean sure, it would cost a fortune, and I don't know where I'd store it, but damn it, I really want one.
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Re: You just have to see this.

Post by CaboWabo »

Holy shit that thing is massive.
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Re: You just have to see this.

Post by mailman »

My mechanic made a scooter with one of those engine,you could actually hear that thing from a mile away.I'll try to get some pics for you guys.That mini semi is in a category of its own.
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Re: You just have to see this.

Post by sidewinder »

CaboWabo wrote:Holy shit that thing is massive.

I hear that a lot, but what did you think about the truck? :-)
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Re: You just have to see this.

Post by frizzen »

It's cool and all, but where could you drive it? What could you transport it in?

Short of taking your 1/4 Scale cars to the track in style, I don't get it. Unless there is a whole lot of paved private area with no cars that you can play on there?
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Re: You just have to see this.

Post by sidewinder »

I'll bet you could go around to race tracks, rodeos, fairs, etc. and charge an appearance fee. Short of that you could move to farm country (we have plenty of houses available recently) and use (some) tractor paths, or smooth fields.

See lots of room(ok, it's not my place but it takes the cops an hour to show :lol: ):

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities. - Ayn Rand
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