Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

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Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Post by cj »

Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child
(NaturalNews) Against the wishes of both the parents and the 13-year-old patient in question, a Minnesota judge has ruled that Daniel Hauser must undergo conventional chemotherapy treatments, which are characterized by the mass-poisoning of the patient with toxic chemicals.

For opting to explore alternative and natural remedies rather than chemotherapy for their son, the parents were accused of medical neglect and now face having their son taken away from them by Child Protective Services (CPS). They may also face prison time if they refuse to follow the judge's orders." target="_blank

This is it we no longer live in America with freedom of choice!
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Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Post by Murdoch »

while the article is loaded, biased, and shows a grave misunderstanding of chemotherapy, I understand that the parents wanted to do what they believe to be the best choice and treatment for their child.

but for the courts to act like they know better than this family is just mind boggling.
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Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Post by sidewinder »

IT's nothing new, the courts long ago have decided that children belong to the state and not the parents, these damned statist, that are seizing power everywhere you look, need to be hanged.
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Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Post by CaboWabo »

Yea, well, I blame religion and movie stars for the courts having to step in.
There are far too many fanatics out there that refuse to treat their children because of some nonsense belief the parents have.

Parents pray for kid rather than taking her to a doctor. Child dies. Parents now charged with reckless endangerment. ... ml?_r=2&hp" target="_blank
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Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Post by VooDooMafia »

thats why I want to move to China, have kids and sell them in the slave market :)

but really, CW is right shit like this didn't happen when I was a kid, there are to many parties that just don't use logic now a days
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Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Post by sidewinder »

Yeah but so fucking what? Who "owns" your kids, you or the State? We have decided that the State (Federal government) owns us, that's why they can say don't ingest this drug, or you can't sell your ass on street corners, etc. They have no right telling people what they can and can't do with their own bodies, or, by extension, their children if it doesn't violate the public safety. You can't allow people to screw children because it is a violation of the child's limited rights, the child doesn't have the capacity to understand what choice he or she is making so it can not consent. The only way the courts should be involved in a case like this is if the child expressed a desire to be treated, otherwise the state has no compelling interest in the case.

The kind of thinking behind this interference is the same thinking that leads to a government that dictates everything your do, from where you work, to who you are allowed to marry, and eventually to who is allowed to live or die. Ask a British woman with breast cancer right about now, the government run health care system has decided that the drugs used to treat the cancer are too expensive so the women get a nice does of drugs that ease the pain as they do their patriotic duty and die. Here's a happy little related case: ... 040146.ece

There was a US case where the cancer victim was told the drugs she needed were not covered by her state health care (I think it was Minnesota, but I'm too lazy to look it up right now) but she cold get palliative, go home and die. Luckily an evil pharmaceutical company provided her with the drugs for free when they heard of the states callousness.

The point of all of that is that the State has no right to interfere, they are only to do the things enumerated by the Constitution and nothing more. We are becoming like children dependent on the government acting like a nanny. All statist (people who want a powerful government to run others lives) should be dragged into the streets and beaten to death with a shovel, period.

edit: note that I avoided naming any of the bastards in our government who are leading this charge because I think that argument could really cause some bad feelings in an otherwise friendly forum. Sort of like a few of us did on R7R a while back, we were having fun but apparently some people were it's best not to go into specific political arguments. But I do stand by my beaten to death by shovel statement.
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Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child UPDAT

Post by cj »

Mother & son fail to show up at hearing for refusing chemo

Minn. judge: Teen medically neglected' by parents, must see doctor

New Ulm, Minn -- 13-year-old Daniel Hauser and his mother were no shows at a Brown County courtroom Tuesday and the boy's father says he doesn't know where they are.

A judge set the court hearing to reveal the results of a court ordered chest X-ray to look at a cancerous tumor.

A doctor who administered the X-ray says he told Daniel and his mother yesterday the tumor had increased significanly in size and the cancer has spread. The doctor suggested the family make a hospital appointment immediately, but they said "no" and left.

Daniel's father, Anthony Hauser, testified in court today. He told the judge he had not seen or heard from his wife, or his son since yesterday and he has no idea where they are.
More ... 0&catid=14" target="_blank
and ... page=1&c=y" target="_blank


Love this comment
The county determined that there was "a compelling state interest... sufficient to override the fundamental constitutional rights of both the parents and Daniel." Doctors say without the treatment Daniel will be dead in 5 years.

There are alternatives ... 761a4.html" target="_blank

The current year is not 2009 it is really 1775. When is the Tea Party?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
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Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child UPDAT

Post by crazydave »

cj wrote: The current year is not 2009 it is really 1775. When is the Tea Party?
Not sure "when", but I got the "where". I thought it was ironic you said that. Just the other morning the Radio DJ was going off about how we've become sheep and we need to protest something just for the sake of protesting. His solution, tea bag Tempe Town Lake. Sounds like a plan to me. Woo Hoo, let's tea bag the lake. :-D
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Re: Run Daniel Run!!!

Post by sidewinder »

I'm with you CJ, I'm really getting into the idea of an armed...well, why warn them?

It's kind of sad that I feel the need to point out that this was a joke and I'm not planning on shooting anyone, but since we live in a rapidly growing police state let me say it again: I'm not planing on shooting anyone or overthrowing anything... with the possible exception of a Mcdonalds if they don't bring back the McRib soon.
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Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Post by ibjamn »

sidewinder wrote:IT's nothing new, the courts long ago have decided that children belong to the state and not the parents, these damned statist, that are seizing power everywhere you look, need to be hanged.
Which came first ?
---- the "parents" that stopped raising their kids and decided to let the "state" raise them in the public schools as soon as they were old enough to go, or the "state" taking on the responsibility ----
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Re: Run Daniel Run!!!

Post by sidewinder »

Does it matter? If the parents are shit parents it still doesn't give the "ownership" of a human to the state...I think we had a war that focused on who "owned" people. The state is evil and it should be dismantled as much as possible, at the very most it should do only the things the constitution authorizes it to do. If some people--even children--fall through the cracks too bad, that's the cost of a free society.
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Re: Run Daniel Run!!!

Post by EdawgM1A2 »

sidewinder wrote:Does it matter? If the parents are shit parents it still doesn't give the "ownership" of a human to the state...I think we had a war that focused on who "owned" people. The state is evil and it should be dismantled as much as possible, at the very most it should do only the things the constitution authorizes it to do. If some people--even children--fall through the cracks too bad, that's the cost of a free society.
Amen, Brother! The concept of choice without governmental persecution is exactly why I served my country with pride. I feel sickened that my labors and blood are so willfully disregarded.

Do I agree with the parents choice? No. But it's not my choice to make.
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Re: Run Daniel Run!!!

Post by EdawgM1A2 »

Edit: double post.
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Re: Run Daniel Run!!!

Post by sidewinder »

Awe hell Edawg, it was worth posting twice. I think the parents are dead wrong--no pun intended, well maybe a little--but that's not the point at all. We seem to be lining up to give away our freedoms. Hell, even Pravda realizes it, and the citizens of the former Soviet Union are in a unique position to know tyranny when they see it. The folling story was from Pravda--the formerly government owned official news agency of the USSR. ... ategy.html Don't read it if you prefer staying asleep.

I don't want to start a political fight here, Carter,Bush1,Clinton,and Bush2 were all guilty of the same sin of setting us up to be a fascist nation. Actually it goes back about a hundred years--Woodrow Wilson was the biggest bastard until recently--but the speed with which we are surrendering is amazing.

BTW, Hugo Chavez just said "Hey, Obama has just nationalized nothing more and nothing less than General Motors. Comrade Obama! Fidel, careful or we are going to end up to his right." We're screwed.
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Re: Court Orders Parents to Poison Their 13-Year-Old Child

Post by Nasphere »

Just something to add...

Google was hired by the chinese govt to censure their internet, much like google censures our internet in the USA! How can you stop a nation wide revolution? Censure our ability to communicate! This govt and their utilization and control of technology holds us all prisoner, and there's nothing we can do about it. Bigger brother is just too big!

We are in a time of need, people are loosing jobs, and loosing the ability to make a living because our government feels so strongly against "laissez-faire". (note how I said our govt is making that choice, not us)

I'm so sick of having to PAY for other people! I feel that non-profit organizations who help disabled people would spring up 10 fold in an anarchist scene. Instead the govt steps in to forcibly take money from the people WHO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING with their lives, and give it to the people who live poorly, and for some reason those people take it for granted. I think if you have the smarts, and the drive to be the top dog CEO of a company, then goddamn you deserve your $20,000,000 per year! I don't think anyone should have a say in where or how you spend that money, because as the rotation goes, that money ends up back on the market anyway!

"He further argued in this thesis that the government inflicted more pain upon the American public by first raising taxes and then by printing money to pay debts (thus causing inflation), the combination of which helped to wipe out the savings of the middle class."

"Since human beings must make choices in order to survive, the basic requirement of a human life is the freedom to make, and act on, one's own independent rational judgment, according to one's self-interest."