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My daughter rules!!

Post by HirotoR34 »

My lovely child bought me the gift of all gifts this year! This thing is so much fun, I can't put it down. I added the third cell yesterday and started the shellpimpin today.



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Post by crazydave »

Cool kid you got there, but where did a kid get that kind of cash? :???:

Anyways, they are fun aren't they? :-D

I run mine with Orange gears and Orange motor with FETs, and it's too silly.
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Post by DarkTari »

I almost bought one today! I had a friend that was gonna get me one for Xmas but we had a falling out (I kick'd her ass to Da Curb) so I guess I'm on my own 8-) 8-) 8-)
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Post by stagg »

O shit thanks man, lol i couldnt find a way to have the batterys si i just left it 2, now its 3 and looks COMPLETLY stock, lol. Shit that helps a lot and this bitch is fast. Can i charge it on the controller still? if not how many AA's or AAA's should i use, 5?
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Post by stampede_dude »

the pcb on each can only handle it for 5 voltz so, no.
heres what id do. time the time the monster takes for one charge for two batteries. cut that time in half and add it to the time it tkes to charge 2 cells.charge the monster by timing it.i have no digits for you but id charge it 1.5 times if you catch my drift.
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Post by crazydave »

You can charge dual cells on you stock controller, it'll just take longer. The MT controller has a longer charge than others, so I'd say 2-3 times should be good.

If you want to build a stand alone chager, ideally you'd use 'round about 6.0v and 1000mah power supply or 4 AA or AAAs batteries.
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Post by HirotoR34 »

cool D. I was thinking of asking that question. I think that a standalone would be nice to have. I need to get a different motor to take advantage of the increased power. It goes much better than stock, but the gearing is too low for my taste.
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Post by crazydave »

Oops, I said dual cells, I meant tri-cells. The car comes with dual cells, duh. :lol:
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Post by stampede_dude »

car?they are monster trucks,dave :-) just messin with ya :grin:
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Post by Finks »

Was over at Hiroto's the other day and Damn his MT boots! When we first raced his MT was neck in neck w/ mine which was just sporting orange gears comared to his tripple celled w/ green. Well we had to see what this puppy could do so I hooked him up w/ my spare yellow gear set up and SHAZAM! It was wrecking all in her way. So course I had to get in on this action. Popped a ZZ battery outta a dead chassis and now my monster truck is trully a monster! Literally took 5 min to do the conversion. I recomend it to anyone w/ a MT.

On the side, Hiroto's cars are a friggin treat to seee up close. The boy has an eye for perfection. 4 hours kinda blasted right by.
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