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my nes.jpg
29 viewsgot 2 of theses a a pawn shop for $5 (my old one died) i cleaned the 72 pin conector on both and ithey worked great . then since the plastic was yelloed from light on this one i decided to paint it . i gave the other system to my firend , who then gave me a n64 a few weeks later .
ugly wheels.jpg
ugly wheels ....33 views
motorworks tank.jpg
motorworks tank29 viewsthe only thing ive done to it is boil the treads for a few seconds to make them fit better .
my rc colection.jpg
4 cell fast gear.jpg
moded fast gear66 viewsthis thing is ugly , but faster than my old xmod .
matts gundams.JPG
my gundams66 viewsi like gundams , and some other anime , just not the real freaky sh#$ .
my mess of tools ect.jpg
mess44 viewsthe mess of tools and some parts i use to mod my cars .
family dogs.jpg
our dogs36 viewsthese are our american bulldogs .
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