
modded mt.41 viewsZZMT modified with the articulation mod, and a ZZSE steering servo for a gearbox. Very slow

Offroad shens!35 viewsFound these at a local market, haggled down from $30us to $18 for all three!

Civic crashed...again.36 viewsI'll say it once more, Civic's cant drift !

The wholde lot45 viewsThis lot was scored from "TallDude" for $30USD shipped, great buy!

Mini Heart34 viewsToyeast mini heart, No need to run this, it just looks too cool!

Super bit.39 viewsThis is my favorite bit so far, running a 4.2King motor, and now purple bit tires with a Toyota bd body.

My favorite tires43 viewsWith these coloured tires I get ultimate traction, especially the purple ones, I can pop a wheelie with a 4.2 king !

Hogjowlz's SE celled OG zipzap57 viewsScored this from talldude, Have yet to test it out.
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