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205 views11/13/04 at 09:39sg219: FUCKER thats HOT shit!!!!

20031407 CJ's Truck222 views at 17:40Finks: CJ, this thing brings back memories. You gotta ge...

Scene 9285 viewsWell after all that trekking we decide to head to the local pub for just the one (i'm driving). and after that we're gonna head on back to the ol' homestead for a little bit of bit racin' and some gardenin'! hope you enjoyed me grouse adventures as much as i did!! seeyaslater!09/29/04 at 18:44DarkTari: That was Juct fuckin Great Mate !.........

238 views09/19/04 at 04:23CaboWabo: I just can't get over this boat! You did a fuckin ...

charge n go152 viewsthis car stock sucked , period . all the other 8 cngs i had were great , but this was infected i guess . it had a hard wierd motor , sloppy gears , and crapy handling . i fxed all the probles , and painted up a clear lxx shell for it .09/16/04 at 21:52Finks: give it a spoiler or fill the holes and I'll give ...

VW Cabrilolet 1543 viewsHere she is, totally modded out from a Thundercharger body. Oh what a lot of cutting, sanding, putty and paint can do to a $.99 body08/15/04 at 19:38Finks: Who ever gave this ride a sub 5 can lick my nuts :...

168 views08/02/04 at 02:40DarkTari: Da Big Kahuna would be Proud to Pimp this Ride !!!...

515 views08/02/04 at 02:38DarkTari: A Very Classic Twist to a Modern Day Bug !

Bit Boat 4171 viewsEpoxied deck. Extra tention provided by last nights party.06/29/04 at 01:26sg219: Finally another boat entry!!

Evil Cuda400 viewscontinued... I put some lights on it, and dropped it as low as it can go. It still needs a clear coat, but this it it after the slight alteration.06/17/04 at 03:44sg219: That is a mean little F***er!!!

VW Bus Airbrush881 viewsSinned writes: Here can you see my first Contact with my Airbrush and small Scales!
I have done more Bodys(Training for better Style with my Airbrush)...hope you like it a little bit!!
Its just Training!!05/15/04 at 08:45DarkTari: Great 1st attempt Sinned! I've had an AB 4 a year...
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