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Last additions - Custom Modifications
Sick Green Flames347 viewscontinued... Pics do not do this job justice. The flash makes the Aqua blend into the green to much, and you can't really see how smooth the fade really looks. This shade of charcoal always looks black in pics, but really it's a dark metallic grey. I would have spent half the day trying to get the pictures just right, but in this case I knew VDM was going to be able vouch for it when he got it.

So here it is...Hope you like it VDM. I'm proud of it.
Feb 12, 2004
Sick Green Flames344 viewscontinued... I liked the sick green the car came in, but alot of the LXX paint mask were put on crooked. I thought I could keep the green, and clean up the areas where the paint mask had been crooked. I faded some Aqua in the front, and layed Charcoal over the rest.Feb 12, 2004
Sick Green Flames360 viewscrazydave writes: I was doing some mods for VDM, and he's hooking me up. So I wanted to give him a little something extra. So I offered to flame out his LXX Beetle. He wasn't saying no.

So here's you car now VDM. :)
Feb 12, 2004
Goin' to the track to kick some ass...462 viewscontinued... So, instead of making it look like a brand new race car, I decided to make it look like it had a couple of ass-kicking seasons of racing under its belt.Feb 10, 2004
Goin' to the track to kick some ass...564 viewscontinued... FETs, KIT Racer gears, 4.2 motor, finely-tuned front springs, super-low center of gravity... it's my favorite car to drive.1 commentsFeb 10, 2004
Goin' to the track to kick some ass...1831 viewshue35 writes: If I were to show up at a Bit track, this is the car I'd smoke everyone with... even Payaso! :-P3 commentsFeb 10, 2004
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