Last additions - Cabo's Custom Chop Shop |

Cactus Cabo Truck157 viewsViola!Sep 05, 2004

Cactus Cabo Truck83 viewsI put on a horizontal fade, as opposed to the verticle fade we always see.Sep 05, 2004

Cactus Cabo Truck88 viewsTinted only the rear window, the rest are clear.Sep 05, 2004

Cactus Cabo Truck176 viewsThis is the truck/controller combo I built for the "bitPimps Back Alley Auction Block".Sep 05, 2004

Cactus Cabo Truck116 viewsCheck it out, it's built CaboWabo "Tuff".Sep 05, 2004

Cactus Cabo Truck94 viewsShot of the controller.Sep 05, 2004

Hond-issan Accordia165 viewsCrazydave put in an internal dual cell along with a fet mod.Apr 30, 2004

Hond-issan Accordia157 viewsI chopped a Honda Accord and Nissan Gloria in half and used the front of the Honda and the rear of the Gloria.Apr 30, 2004

Hond-issan Accordia165 viewsIt's a joint project. Crazydave did all the chassis work and I did all the body work.Apr 30, 2004

Hond-issan Accordia186 viewsThis is my contest entry for the "bitPimps Moderators Contest" some pimps threw together.Apr 30, 2004

Drop Top Challenger387 viewsFeb 14, 2004

Drop Top Challenger98 viewsFeb 14, 2004