Last additions - 1/10 |

50 viewsJun 07, 2008

Too easy50 viewsJun 07, 2008

Get Stuffed50 viewsdamn the body work, I've got a comp to run!Jun 07, 2008

55 viewsmoments before I make the next 2 gates, then wheely over landing almost exactly where I am now, turtled firmly between 2 rocks with gate markers on both so I can't take a Rollover penalty and try again. I point-out.Jun 07, 2008

ZZ-M versus AX-1047 viewsYeah man, I got a tow rig...Apr 14, 2008

ax10 scorpion and rustler53 viewsSo, a Crawler and a Stadium truck walk into a bar...
Oct 06, 2007

Rustler Viper RV1545 viewsViper RV15 minus the Magic SmokeOct 06, 2007

3/4 front48 viewsOct 06, 2007

3/4 rear body40 viewsOct 06, 2007

body side43 viewsOct 06, 2007

body front47 viewsOct 06, 2007

Axial AX-10 Scorpion73 viewsFrizzens' Competition Rock CrawlerOct 06, 2007