Last additions - midget_man1387's Gallery |

i love the side...69 viewsi think the colors matched well togetherJun 04, 2004

another convy celi64 viewsanother one of the celiJun 04, 2004

convy celi78 viewsthere are a few more of the celi...Jun 04, 2004

contest celica76 viewsthis is a celica that I made for this contest.... I've been working on it for months, but when the contest rolled around I kicked it into high gear and told myself i needed to work on this. I'm very please with the painting... The lines on the side are hand masked, then gone over, actually dotted with black paint. that gave it the kind of "ripped effect."Jun 04, 2004

and another151 viewsthe money shot baby!Apr 27, 2004

another shot of the monster bit167 viewsyet another shot of the monster!Apr 27, 2004

my monster bit version two180 viewsthis is my dual cell monster....Apr 27, 2004

project: keepin it low and slow113 viewsHere is my latest project. It is a lowrider that I had to move the idler gear because it was so low.Apr 23, 2004
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