Last additions - honda_s2000's Gallery |

Civic crashed...again.37 viewsI'll say it once more, Civic's cant drift !Sep 29, 2006

The wholde lot46 viewsThis lot was scored from "TallDude" for $30USD shipped, great buy!Sep 29, 2006

Mini Heart36 viewsToyeast mini heart, No need to run this, it just looks too cool!Sep 29, 2006

Super bit.40 viewsThis is my favorite bit so far, running a 4.2King motor, and now purple bit tires with a Toyota bd body.Sep 29, 2006

My favorite tires46 viewsWith these coloured tires I get ultimate traction, especially the purple ones, I can pop a wheelie with a 4.2 king !Sep 29, 2006

Hogjowlz's SE celled OG zipzap59 viewsScored this from talldude, Have yet to test it out.Sep 29, 2006
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