Image search results - "GTR" |
VW Beffle GT-R59 viewsBeffle GT-R Destruction Derby..1 o' 1st mods..
VW Beffle GT-R61 viewsBeffle GT-R Destruction Derby..1 o' 1st mods..
Candy Apple GTR-R34133 viewsThere are actually two hue's of green here.
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original muscle82 views
GTR 2000 Strip Muscle81 views
GTR 2000 Strip Muscle80 views
GTR R34 Skyline Fade73 viewsOverall though, I'm happy, it looks great and seems to make whatever chassis it's on, run better.
GTR R34 Skyline Fade62 viewsThe only thing I didn't like was the silver I used, it was a "silver leaf" that gave it a "leaf" effect.
GTR R34 Skyline Fade66 viewsThis picture doesn't show it well, but detailing is superb.
GTR R34 Skyline Fade68 viewsDig the color scheme, shit they made FNF after I did this car and it has the same colors, so I know it's hot.
GTR R34 Skyline Fade75 viewsThis was my 2nd or 3rd paint job.
Auto-Mobile Fiesta GTR R32120 viewsAnother view confirming fine ass details and my name across the rear, that's right I own this beast.