Image search results - "Special" |

GTR-2000 Earl Shives Special323 viewsThe black with white and orange stripes just make this a mean looking beast.

GTR-2000 Earl Shives Special334 viewsI was thinking "Smokey and the Bandit" the whole time I painted this mutha.

GTR-2000 Earl Shives Special151 viewsSo of course I couldn't resist painting it. 8-)

GTR-2000 Earl Shives Special161 viewsThis was the first muscle car body I got for the bits - the first body made that looked like American muscle cars.

Daily Special - Track Car 2.0217 viewsDetail painting.
Decals added.
Clear coated.
And then I gave it to Stoli for his birthday!

Daily Special - Track Car 2.0121 viewsCoat of dark metallic blue.

Daily Special - Track Car 2.0118 viewsCoat of metallic blue.

Daily Special - Track Car 2.0130 viewsCoat of white.

Daily Special - Track Car 2.0105 viewsThe windows make me think of a ricer kiddie car.
Oh yea, this is spray paint.